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Mario and Jaromir Pics

Jaromir Jagr Pics

Sitting out
At practice
Stretching before game.
During a break
Ready for faceoff
Ready for another faceoff
Tried to get some type of perspective shot
Stretching at practice
Getting in his car after practice
*During practice(is it me, or does he kinda look like a chipmunk in this picture? ...But hey! chipmunks are cute) :-)

Mario Lemieux Pics

Slightly blurred shot
After game
Nice shot ..IF IT WERE CLEAR!!
On the bench
ONLY clear picture of him
Nice shot at practice
Bad Shot from practice
At practice
Nice shot, and its clear!
Cool shot...check out the water on chin, and dripping from the bottle
Gettin in his car
Nice close shot
*During pre game skate

Pictures of Jaromir and Mario together

On the bench
Big Picture shown on this page
During the Caps game