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Panzer's support page for The Rogues

The Rogues

(Formerly known as The Rogue Miniatures Faction of the Eastern Pennsylvania Gaming Society)

This Page under construction! Thanks for visiting.
Pictures of Rogues activities and miniatures. First our 15mm ACW Navy: The Rogues Navy!

The start of my World in Flames area Panzer's WiF page

NEW: WiFCON 2002 information there.

Go To my Tank page: Panzer's Tank page

Go To my Battlefront miniatures rules page: Panzer's Battlefront Page
days to Historicon 2002

In memory of the victims on 9/11

Miniatures sites

Gaming sites:

The Main Rogues Page
HMGS East miniatures
ADG creators of World In Flames
Larry Whalen's WiFCON site
