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†°Skippy's Irc Builder°†

~Skippy's Irc Builder~

Hello And Welcome To My Irc Builder I Have Instruction's To Show You how To Work This Okay It Should Be Pretty Damn Easy If You No Html LoL And For Those Who Dont No Html Visit My Html Help Page Okay So Let's Get Start'd Now NOTE!!!!!!If You Can Not Make A Room From Here Please Do Not E Mail Me And Ask ME To Make You One Thank You !!!!!!

Enter Your Title At "Place Title Here" Then Put The Url Where It Says url-of-your-chat.html...Then Change YourChatRoomName To Your Chat Room's Name

Copy all the below - Dont change anything.

Afk Bot and Buddy list added in this step!Change one thing on this step: where it says [Your IRC]

Copy all the rest of it and paste it where showed to paste