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The early years !

Hello to all my friends and to those of you who may have just come across my homepage. As my friends already know my name is Tricia, and I live in this amazing country called Australia, I live in Perth, Western Australia, its the biggest state with the least amount of people and I am here to tell you a little bit about my family and myself. This is my first attempt at creating a homepage, so bear with any mistakes I may make ....*smiles* (like me  waffling on so much!!) So grab a drink, sit back and start reading !!! ...If your a quick reader it will take 6 minutes of your time !!!!!!!!.... Well I was born...uh hummm....cough cough....many years to be exact,in London, England on 22nd August 1955, at 7.30pm, a tiny little scrap weighing 4 lbs...look at me now!! My, how I have grown. The story goes my mum went into labour 6 weeks early with me because she had received a shock. She had answered a knock on her door, and standing before her was her brother, who...(yes we all have one black sheep in the family), had been released early from prison. A minor misdemeanour I might add, petty theft or something of that nature. So here I am living to tell the tale!!! I'll skip the inbetween years because they can be a source of conversation when getting to know someone, so feel free to ask me should you be so inclined. I met my husband when I was 20, and believe it or not, I knew from that very first kiss on our first date that he would be the man I married. And so we did, 2 and half years later, 21st January 1978 although I nearly didnt go through with it!!...Image this scene, I turn up at the Church in the limousine with my Dad, there is the photographer waiting to capture that moment when the bride-to-be steps out of the car, when all of a sudden as I lent forward to get out of the car, the zip of my wedding dress broke !!. All I could say to my Dad was.."I have to go home", he was telling me...You cant, Terry is in there waiting for you. Imagine the next scene, here I am standing outside the church doors, my back turned to the street, for all the world to see me with my wedding dress over my head and the Vicar placing tiny safety pins all along the seams of my zip. (The photographer had hundreds of tiny safety pins in his case). Afterwards my mum told me she had left me looking radiant and I looked as white as a ghost as I walked down the aisle. A postscript to this story, my Dad died 3 years later, and...we had the same Vicar booked to perform the cremation....Guess what, the Vicar forgot to turn up!....SO....I vowed and declared that any children of ours would NOT be christened by that Vicar he would probably drop them in the font !!....LOL...Things happen in three's dont they say.!!!


Our Children

Terry and I have 4 children. Daniel is our oldest, he was born in 1979, next came Katie in October 1980, and werent we the proud parents, managing to produce one of each. While I was pregnant with Katie, Terry was working with an australian guy, and this guy had to renew his visa at Australia House in London, Terry went along with him for the ride and come home that night to me with emigration papers in his hand !!...LOL...We had never even considered moving to another country. So being full of bravado, and spirit, we gaily filled in the form, never really thinking of the consequences of being accepted to migrate to this country. But sure enough we heard back and had to go for an interview to see if we were suitable candidates for this country. WE WERE !!.... young, had a trade, 2 young kids, just the kind of people Australia were looking for to expand their Country. But Oh God, telling the family was the hardest thing we have ever had to do. Both sides of our families were completely shocked, I was taking away my mother's only 2 grandchildren, it was a tremendous wrench, and one I still dont really like to think about. But we felt we had to do what was right for us, and anyway, we always knew that if it didnt work out we could always go back to our homeland. Gosh I dont think I could do justice with mere words here to describe the emotions of a young couple with 2 kids settling into a strange country, but settle we did, and added a couple more aussie kids of our own to this country. Kylie was born in March 1985, and image my shock and horror when 10 weeks later I discovered I was pregnant again, Rebecca was born March 1986, 2 weeks before Kylie turned one year old. This is a rare picture of the 4 of them together. *smiles*, although why I havent got more is beyond me because Daniel and Katie still live at home and show no signs of leaving the nest, lol, they know in their heart they couldnt get a better deal than living at home, even though they know their mum is not keen on being in the kitchen cooking meals !!!

A little more about me !

Oh dear, where do I start!!!......lets see,  I love the sun, when the sun shines, I am at my happiest (just as well I live in Australia) and along with the sun I am a keen swimmer and enjoy nothing more on a summers day than lying either on the beach or at home on my sunlounger, reading a book then taking a dip to either cool off in the sea or the pool.  I am an avid reader, anything from trashy novels to self help books, (yes I even read the back of toilet cleaner bottles when sitting on the love watching Formula 1 racing, I rarely miss watching each race on the tv during the racing season even if it means sitting up till 2am.... I really enjoy being creative (but NOT in the kitchen !!! husband and kids will vouch for that !, I enjoy going to the movies, my favourite film of all time is Ghost, I cry every time I watch it....I love music, I would hazard a guess and say I know most words of every Motown song (considering that music was around during my teens)....these days you'll find I know most of the words to the songs which are in the Top 40, anything romantic and songs which has meaning I am a sucker for...I go gaga over pics of most baby animals..... kittens, puppies, seals, elephants, giraffes... I love my circle of friends,  I have genuine warmth and compassion for my fellow human beings. I like to think I make an excellent friend, I have an enormous amount of patience for people who have problems or who are troubled, I am an excellent listener..... I cannot abide sarcasm, especially if its directed at me, I am a little too sensitive,  respect from others is extremely important to me, if someone takes too much advantage of my generosity of spirit or takes me for granted then the friendship will begin to sour. I will try my best to the very end,  I will stay in contact, but not as often, and eventually I'll just fade away from their life.

The last 3 and half years !

I was introduced to the world of chat by my friend, Ros, we have been friends for 16 years, at one point during the last 3 and half years Ros reckoned she had to make an appointment to phone or see is the world of a chat addict, We all know how addictive chatting can be at the beginning!!..We all know as well that the life of chatting on the net is very hard for a partner to understand if he or she doesnt chat. And yes there have been many an  argument and tears in this house because of chatting. But luckily we have come through that stage, and yes, compromises were made, and everything is fine now. I have found that the world of chat can be as complex as life outside of this modern piece of technology. Our first impressions of a person on here is based on words, that very first message can form an opinion immediately about a person, whether they are friendly, sarcastic, humorous, etc etc...We have a gut reaction as to whether we would like to chat to that person again. Of course, sometimes we are totally wrong about our first impressions as well !!! (as I well There are many wonderful people on the net, and I count myself fortunate to have made good friends with a select few, those people know who they are, we have shared the trials and tribulations of everyday life, the highs and lows of life not only on the net but within our own surroundings as well. We have, to put it simply....shared with each other.... good friendship is hard to come by, it takes time, it takes patience, but above all friendship is about communication. A simple message of, "Hi, I havent seen you online lately, hope everything is ok with you, I miss our chats"....says a lot about a person, it shows they care and are concerned about your welfare. It shows you have touched their life in some way. One day I  may be lucky enough to meet some of the good friends I have made, and that would truly be a wonderful experience, but for the ones who I never meet I hope I have touched your life in some way, somehow.........maybe I brightened your day, or you will remember me for an amusing story I told or I simply made you smile !!......No matter where my life may lead me I know I will never forget the special friends I have made here. Thank you for being part of my life.

I've created this page for the spirit of our young cat 'Chevy' who died in my arms on Sunday, October 9th 2000.

I would also like to say a big big thank you to Eric for his patience and his lessons in teaching me how to make this page, Its a wonder he is still talking to me after me plaguing him the last 3 weeks with my continual questions.
From one smiler to another!!
Thank you Eric !!!

*smiles*, I do hope you've enjoyed this look into my life!!
and keep watching for any improvements I
may make to this homepage..please
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my picture page.

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big hug and