On the left, Henry exiles Becket's kin. The caption reads:
Proscribitur tota cognatio beati
Th. et eidem exules presentantur.
All the kindred of blessed Thomas are proscribed
and present themselves to him.
On the scroll in the king's hand:
Exul[t]et tota propago vulgaris
Th. et ei present[tur].
All the common people rejoice and Thomas presents
himself to them.
On the right, Becket lies at Pontigny, ill from excessive fasting, while a doctor examines a specimen flask. The caption reads:
Apud Pontiniacum commorans pre nimio
voluntario jejunio infirmatur graviter.
Lingering at Pontigny he is gravely weakened
through too great voluntary fasting.
Above the doctor:
Infirmatur pre nimio jejunio apud
Pontiniacum, sinisterque rumor auditus auget dolorem.
He is weakened by too great fasting at Pontigny,
and the hearing of a disagreeable rumor increases his pain.
The pope returns to Rome from his exile in France. Becket bids farewell to him on the road. The caption reads:
Conducit B. Thomas papam jam repatriantem.
Uterque utrumque consolatur et stare admonet in causa assumpta viriliter.
Now blessed Thomas conducts the pope to his patrimony.
Each consoles the other and reminds him to stand courageously in the cause
he's assumed.
On the left Becket excommunicates various people, who recoil in horror. The caption reads:
S. Th. auditis enorm[it]atibus,
reos excommunicat.
St. Thomas, at the enormous reports, excommunicates
the defendants.
On the right Becket meets with King Henry II of England, who enumerates his demands on his fingers, and King Louis VII of France, sitting with his foot on his knee, while boys in the foreground shout abuse. The caption reads:
Concilium magnum regum et prelatorum
ubi beatus Thomas passus multa convicia.
The great meeting of kings and prelates where
blessed Thomas suffered many reproofs.
On the scroll in Becket's hand:
Prelatis adquiesco salve honore
I acquiesce to the prelates saving the honor
of God.
Negotiations have broken down and Henry and Louis ride away from Becket, all of them gesturing in annoyance. On the right the poor wait to welcome Becket. The caption reads:
Reges Ludovicus et Henricus et sui
complices. Recedit beatus Thomas multis lacessitus injuriis, et derisus
a magnatibus. Soli pauperes benedictionem ejus petunt.
Kings Louis and Henry and their accomplices.
Blessed Thomas retreated having provoked many injuries and great mockery.
Only the poor ask for his blessing.
On the left, Henry the Young King is crowned by Archbishop Roger of York. The caption reads:
Coronatur rex H. junior per manum
Rogeri archiepiscopi Eboracensis, in prejudicium ecclesie Cantuariensis.
King Henry the younger is crowned by the hand
of Roger the archbishop of York, preemptimg the rights of the see of Canterbury.
On the right the elder Henry serves his son at the coronation banquet while a minstrel boy plays a harp. The caption reads:
Celebratur convivium coronacionis.
Ministrat pater filio et se regem esse diffitetur.
The coronation banquet is celebrated. The
father waits on the son and denies himself to be king.
On the scroll:
Ne majestas nimis inclinata.
Lest majesty weaken too much.
On the left Becket hears the news of the coronation and puts his hand to his brow. The caption reads:
Sedenti sancto Thome in tristicia
nunciantur predicta, qui de tristi fit tristior.
As holy Thomas is sitting in sorrow the news
is announced to him, which from sad makes him sadder.
On the right a messenger takes Becket's complaint to the pope. The caption reads:
Significantur hec pape.
Here they [the news] are indicated to the pope.
As Becket walks on the shore, preparing to sail for England, a man approaches him. Becket mistakes him for the fare collector, but it's Milo, one of the Count of Boulogne's men, coming to warn him that his enemies await him in England. At the right a ship arrives from England with the same news. The caption reads:
Consideranti beato Thome ventos
occurrit Milo collector nauli, nuntians insidias parari applicanti.
Idem nuntiant adventantes.
As blessed Thomas was considering the winds Milo
the collector of fares runs to meet him, tellling him a trap is prepared
at the landing. Those who arrive tell him the same.
Above Milo and the ship:
Milo minister comitis Bolonie
naute ab Anglia venientes
Milo the minister of the count of Boulogne
a ship coming from England
Becket arrives in England with his cross set up in the bow of the ship to announce who it is. People carry the passengers to shore in boats or on their backs, while on shore the common people wait to welcome Becket and the king's men threaten. The caption reads:
Applicat beatus Thomas in Anglia.
Occurrunt compatriote letantes. Soli regales minantur.
Blessed Thomas lands in England. The killers
run to meet their compatriot. Only the king's men threaten.