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Signs That Show You Had/Have Mr. Wallin and Mr. Mazurek

2.) You cannot count, but you can figure out a quadratic equation in your head.

2.) You randomly sneak up on your teacher during class while humming the theme to Mission Impossible, and sniff the back of his head (lol, Tulskie)

3.) You actually sit and wonder if P really is the 90th letter of the alphabet.

4.) You know how to catch a unique bunny...

5.) ... and you know how to catch a tame one.

6.) You have no idea who Bill Dougherty is but you could easily identify Warren.

7.) You cringe when you see a table filled with Sometimes, Always, Always, Never.

8.) You are positive the intersections of the diagonals of a hexagon don't add up to 24.

9.) You want to change your name to QUO.

10.) You know if Dave got the chance to a rematch, he could easily eat 7 boston creme donuts instead of only 5.

11.) You no longer call multiple vertex, vertices. You call them vertexoxen.

12.) You actually think that it is fun to lay on the ground and have your teacher pour water on top of you.

13.) You know the holiday to every day of the year (ie. Creme donut day)

14.) You know never to go into Wallin's "fort."

15.) You purposedly take more or less than 12 steps when going to the water fountain.

16.) You are a master of getting spontaneous extra credit points.

17.) You've done up to #153 on the 180 ways to annoy people.

18.) Everytime you look at Mr. Wallin's cans you can't help but recall that time you "accidentally" knocked over half of the cans while having a sub.

19.) You would have an F in 8th Grade math had it not been for all the extra credit that maintained your "A."

20.) You are convinced there is no better sport or game better than Full-Contact Math.

21.) You know why rulers are angry all the time.

22.) Oops, I said that backwards: 22

23.) You come into math class wondering what stupid, pointless argument Jake will have with Mr. Mazurek today.

24.) You still can remember when Mazurek did Duce Staley's dance...

25.) You try hard to get done your math sheets on the computer just so you can do your happy dance...

26.) You always forget how to spell Mazurek's favorite lake...

27.) You know which state has all vowels... IOUUA

28.) Everytime you look at Chase, you laugh because you can't help but remember when he sneezed and that snot-ball came went flying across the room.

29.) If there's only one counter-example in the entire world of something Mazurek is trying to prove, then you know he will always find it on his first try.

30.) You find nothing strange about doing an entire Chapter in one period.

31.) You know what the color "Early Morning Autumn Sunrise" looks like.

***More will be added as the year progresses and Jake and Tulskie get dumber...***