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Things People HATE

1.) Celery- It smells sooooo bad...

2.)Stupid People

3.)Annoying People

4.)Stupid people that are annoying and don't know they're annoying

5.)When they change things that are really good and should remain classic! (ie. When they put the new kind of marshmallows in my Lucky Charms!)

6.)People who take things too seriously

7.)People who laugh at their own jokes (only when no one else laughs...)

8.)People who are BORING..... ZZZZzzzzzz...

9.)People who steal your chair (I'm the exception...)

10.)Country Music!!!!!

11.)Rap (most of it at least)

12.)When you go to shoot a rubber band and everyone sees that your going to do it... so they look. But then, in the moment of climax when it all comes down to you to shoot the rubber band with everyone watching... U BLOW IT! and the rubber band just flops on the ground and you look stupid once again and everyone makes fun of u... -Compliments of Char (and made more exciting by DAVE)

13.)E.T. as in the Extra-Terrestrial- submitted by Bob Horan... Sorry Bob i completely do not concur with this one... E.T. is the man! He can fly a bike!!! And he likes skittles! He's the coolest alien ever... the only reason i put this on is because i'm required to by law... it's true...

14.)When your having an online conversation with people and they go "ya," "i see," or "..."- Submitted by Casey Feldman... sorry Casey but i disagree here too... i'll have you know i love the dot dot dot (...)... and in case you haven't noticed it's all over my website...and when you can't say anything it's better to say "ya" or "I see" then just ignore the person...

15.) People that walk really slow in the hallways and you get stuck behind them and you try to pass them and you cannot so your stuck going extremely slow until they move...-Submitted by Amy Mikeska

16.) Slow people...

17.) Slow cars...

18.) Slow computers...

19.) When you're talking online to someone, and they say goodbye... and you continue saying bye, c ya, ttyl, later, for like 5 minutes!! Like they're really not gonna leave, they're just gonna stay online and tell you how their leaving! It's really annoying!!! What's the point???

20.) You are from Philly and you go to Virginia on vacation... on the menu you see "Classic PITTSBURGH CHEESESTEAK"... pittsburgh?????- submitted by Carolyn White

*****If you can think of other ones... tell me them and i will add them!******