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"His Dark Materials"

The Golden Compass

The Subtle Knife

The Amber Spyglass

I just finished reading The Amber Spyglass yesterday. The only thing I can say is, "Wow".

Do you have a dæmon?

Kirzant, the male wolf

Reality Check!

Okay, I wrote that the day after Christmas. The Amber Spyglass was a Christmas present. The evening that I wrote it, I picked up a book that I've had for about half a year about the New Age Movement and its dangers to Christianity and realized that "His Dark Materials" series was New Age. I threw all three books in the trash.

The book that set me straight was Dark Secrets of the New Age by Texe Marrs. Occasionally, the book is a little obsessive, perhaps creating demons where there are none.(Ex: the chapter I'm on says that Rainbow Brite is New Age.) However, it has some very good points, and I'd recommend it to anyone.

It's very strange how I came upon this book. I was at the Creation Festival in Mt. Union, PA this past summer. It was the last night, Saturday, and I was at a concert at the main stage. One of my friends showed me a necklace that she had bought at one of the stores near the main stage area that said "True Love Waits". I thought it was really cool, so I decided to go and buy one. I told a chaperone where I was going and set off up the hill. Halfway to the store, I realized that I didn't have someone with me, but Creation is just about the safest place on earth and I would only be away from the group for a couple of minutes, so I kept going.

The store was in the red pavillion, near the beginning. I looked and looked and looked on one side for the store and couldn't find it in the crowd, so I decided to cut through a book stall and check out the other side. On my way through, this book caught my eye. I had exactly 4$, the necklace was exactly 4$ and the book was exactly 4$ (just one big coincidence... or providence?) and on a snap judgement, I bought the book. I never did find the necklaces.

This book is a big help to me. Because of my interests, I end up being into in some things that are New Age and I don't realize it. I have this book sitting on the shelf that my Bible and devotions are on.

Pics of Creation

Both of these were taken from the lookout area on the top of the mountain at Agape Farm.

Taken my first year, our campsite is down there in K section somewhere.

Taken my second year, this is a view of the main stage
at the bottom of the screen, and the vertical tent
behind it. The colored splotches in front of the stage
are tarps that people put down to sit on at concerts,
and the rest of the splotches are campsites, probably
in sections A-C.