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Creation 2001 Rocked!

Well, we expected the attendence to be around 85,000. Boy, were we off! It was... (drumroll)... 120,000! The whole thing ruled! Let's see...

Highlights of My Week

* A bagpiper played every morning! It was cool! But I met some people from a camp really near him in F section, and they weren't exactly thrilled... :) This is the way we wash our hair, wash our hair, wash our hair... It's Psychoswmmr, and Musicmaniac * I actually wrote a really good poem! * Musicmaniac decided the Soloman was on crack. lol Signing the Bunny * It was HOT all week long! It was in the nineties. The only good thing about that was, that water battles felt good and it didn't get below 70 at night. Nights were comfy. It was STICKY, though. * We COULD NOT get clean! It was kinda gross. I took a shower as soon as I got home. And my feet were dirty all week. Showers are happy! View of the Lookout * A couple of guitarists and singers among our group had a jam session almost every day in camp The Daily Jam Session * Psychoswimmer and I had fun teasing Josh when he fell asleep. We tickled him with grass and stuck some in his ear. hee hee! Jsknier Josh falls asleep in an unlikely position... So we throw a cup of water on him... lol! * Nick denies being ticklish. But he is. :) He also has hair like a brillo pad. But we love him! Nick * Josh is Captain Obvious in a tiger towel cape! * I tanned SO dark! (Well, at least for me.) I burned, too, but not badly. All Packed! * Josh and I got free Katina CDs just for walking down the road! * A big groundhog ran though our camp. Three times. It ran right between Sara P's legs, and right under Josh's. Yes, that IS a watermelon on Sara's head, and no, Sheena's not a racecar driver... Free Stickers! After Everyone Left * Sara P played bigger and better and got a guy named Josh from Ontario Josh From Ontario * Diana rules! She is like an older version of a combination of Rowtree and me! * I have no voice. And I have a voice lesson this aftenoon! This should be interesting... :) * I lost my pillow. AFTER I got home. When the Streamers Got Loose * I lost my flashlight and found it when I didn't need it anymore. * The last day, Psychoswimmer and I ran around screaming with tarps and brooms, pretended to mosh and sumo wrestle, and I'M FAT ENOUGH! yahoooooo!!!! Sarabi Moshing I'm a Roman Centurian! Charge! Hand-to-hand combat! Sara got a helmet Victory! Sara kills me... I kill Sara... We all have a good time! lol * Andy's cool. Andy of the Virgin Ear Dance * Wet naps rule! * The Oompa Loompas are after Sara P!
The best pic I've got!

On the down side, a chaperone in our group got a call (from my mom, incidentally) that her neighbor's kid had committed suicide. Could you please pray for everyone affected by this tragedy?

I have to get used to so much stuff again! There are fields outside my house with no tents or canopies! There are walls and AC and tables and beds and couches! I'm lonely. I'm not used to not having 110,000 people camped around me! :) Also, I'm clean. There is no longer dirt stuck in my fingerprints. But there's still gunk under my toenails, permanent marker on my feet, and I'm my legs are a little scruffy. But it's all good; my hair is clean and manageable!