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Another Awesome Creation!

Creation was great, as usual. It was hot, also as usual. I bought three CDs and a t-shirt and generally had a good time. I got my photos back, but the scanner isn't working right now. Meanwhile...

Did you know Creation, while it exists every year, is the third or fourth largest city in PA?

They had a thing this year where you could design an outhouse. I never entered, but I came up with a couple of ideas, including "Holy Crap!" written in big letters across the side or a painted scene from Revelation along with the title, "Outhouse of the Apocalypse".

Those outhouses STINK SO MUCH by the end of the week! This one lady was talking to her friends after she got out, and she said while she was in there she almost dropped her flashlight, and she was thinking, "Please God, don't let me die in here!" Believe me, it's even funnier if you've smelled those things.

My youth group was camped in "C". We were really close to everything, especially the fringe stage, which I still have never gone to. It was too hot. We went to Raystown Lake on Thurs and Fri, so I got two showers this year. It felt REALLY nice. Nick was in "C" as well, just really far back, Justin was camped with my brother in "H" and Sara and Laura were in "L", the newest addition to the grounds. My church's adult group was in an area of "G" that Jess and I refered to as the "hangnail of Creation".

Speaking of my brother, something interesting happened in his campsite this year. Somebody accidently kicked a nearly empty can of camp fuel into the fire. Most of the group ran out of the site, Chris and a couple of others ran into the camper and the people who didn't have time to run pulled a blanket over their heads. The thing exploded so loudly that people on the other side of "G" heard it! They had people running in saying, "Are you alright?" "What was that?" and "Can you do that again?" When they cleaned up their site they found the top of the can three sites away.

Say these out loud:

* I've been to "L" and back
* "G" is as hot as "L"
* My brother's in "H"
* I dragged Jess all over Creation
* I'm in "C" section

Hanging Out After Dinner, Before the Evening Concert


LR in Our Tent

LR and LD, My Tentmates