Children of Eden is my high school's production this year. Rowtree, Tallguy and Schuyboyd are all in it, and Rowtree is helping me to write this. Enjoy her presence now, pretty soon the two dweebs who lift her up in "The Naming" are going to drop her. "Tiger, Tortoise, Uni...SPLAT!". "Whoops."
The musical is supposed to last for about two hours, and we're going to put on the three main productions in March.
A summary of the plot: Father (a.k.a. God) creates the universe and Eve and Adam. ("Let There Be") Father gives them a perfect garden. ("Perfect Part I") (And the grass was perfect, and the sky was perfect, and the bark of the trees was dappled and rough, but not too rough... and where there was a cloud, the only cloud allowed, was fleecy white and just asymetric enough. And the blue polka-dotted 40 foot high chicken on crack was perfect...) Father tells Adam and Eve to stay away from the Tree of Knowledge. ("Tree of Knowledge") Eve and Adam name all the animals and Rowtree gets splutted! ("The Naming") Adam and Eve go to sleep. ("Grateful Children" "Father's Day") The night was perfect and their dreams were perfect- need we go on? Eve and Adam wake up and fall in love. (Perfect Part II) The storytellers (us) become the Tree Knowledge and Eve thinks this is really cool. She takes Adam to the tree (where he knew they should not be), he leaves to name bugs and she sings. ("Spark of Creation") The snake (there are 5 dancers in the snake)comes out the tree and ask Eve questions. "What happens to the sun after it sets? Where does music go after you've listened to it? What becomes of your dreams where you're not asleep? If God made all this, who made God? What's beyond the garden? If two cranes leve Eden at the same time, and one of them travels at seven times the speed of the other, how long..." (seriously) ("In Pursuit of Excellence") Eve eats the fruit. ("End of a Perfect Day") They run and hide among the trees (a.k.a. us again) from Father. ("Childhood's End") Father tells Eve that she has to leave. Adam has to decide whether to leave Eve or Father and the garden. He chooses Eve and eats the fruit. ("A World Without You") Father says "Shoo!" ("The Expulsion") and they walk around in the wilderness. ("The Wasteland") After that, we don't know the rest because we haven't gotten to it in practice yet. The only thing we've got really well is "Ain't it Good?" in which we do about 3 billion knee slides. Ow. I have bruises all over my knees. 'Zoooooom! Baaaaash! Owwwwwww?' Ruth was smart. She brought kneepads to practice. David was not smart. He taught us how to say "El mono comio tus pantalones, ˇTú duende stupido!" (Literally, 'The monkey ate your pants, you stupid leprechaun!) ANYWAY...
All in all, the play is FUN! We, the Storytellers, get to run around, pull muscles in our backs, blister our knees, get splatted on the stage 'and search for CRAP! And question me!' (Don't ask. Let's just say, our Father isn't perfect in this production.) We also get to hear David's impressions of the Backstreet Boys. (He's an amazing motivational speaker on the rights of the cast members with no speaking parts. He is our leader, even though he's been cast as Abel, the little snot. Poor Schuyboyd had to carry him off stage. Note: This is NOT going to happen. Schuyboyd is 5'4" and David is about 6'. :) )
One last comment: "Aye aye!" "Aye aye?" "Aye aye!" "Ai ai ai, we'll never be done!"