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"T'Lar... you’re from the Hawk Clan?” he asked, and I nodded. “I'm from the Tiger Clan," Rell told me. "Are you from SolaShau?"

"No," I replied, "somewhere else."

“I can't tell Rell about my world,” I thought, “or the LunaShau way of life would end.”

So speaks the masterpiece Island!. Okay, okay, I guess it's not a masterpiece. Well, actually, it isn't published. And... it's not exactly finished. But we're getting there!

Island! (or so it will be called until we come up with a catchier name) is a story that two of my friends and I are writing. In fact, we've BEEN writing it for more than a year, now. Hey, it's NOT my fault that we can't get three people on task. :)

The story starts out with five friends going on a cruise to Hawaii. The five main characters take turns telling their parts of the story, one character to a chapter. The ship gets in a storm and our heroes and heroines are swept overboard. Matt and Courtney end up on one island with only Matt's oakley sunglasses and zippo lighter, Nick and Kristy land on an island that is definitely NOT Hawaii, and Ketra crash lands on a beach where she can see something moving in the trees.

Matt and Courtney eventually find themselves talking to the mystical dolphin people, who tell them the story of Ryder Island. Matt finds out what really happened to the last remnant of the British empire (England got bombed in WWIII). Kristy discovers the Musical muses (we haven't gotten very far on her chapters yet) and Nick kind of thinks she's going insane. Ketra discovers the secret of her father's appearance in the USA (and possibly his disappearance as well,) and finds an unlikely companion among the Litianuans, the people of the MoonHawk island. Will they EVER find their way home? Stay tuned...

The Strange Prologue
Teasers of Island (and other) Stories

A Family Tree of Island Characters