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Okay, first off, the country is called Litianua, not Lithuania. It is pronounced lit-ee-ANN-oo-ah, not lith-oo-AYN-ee-ah. Are we clear on that? I get sick of people calling it by the wrong name. :)

Litianua is the island that our intrepid explorer Ketra finds in Island!. I used to have a whole website devoted to it, but I buggered it up and I was so sick of it that I didn't bother to fix it.

The capital of Litianua is the southwestern city of Marclais (that's pronounced Marr-clay, by the way). Litianua is made up of 3 islands: the small SunHawk Island (SolaShau), the medium MoonHawk Island (LunaShau) and the large StarHawk Island (StellaShau). The population is made up of a dozen clans, ranging from the largest Hawk Clan to the smallest Deer Clan.

The Clans