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You know how I said that my two friends and I couldn't get on task to finish the story? Well, I invited them over to my house last summer to try and get some work done. We got NUTHIN' done. Just to show you how hyper the three of us got, this is the prologue that we wrote. It will never be part of the actual story if I can help it, but it's very weird and kind of funny to the twisted mind. You may not get much of it because it contains a lot of inside jokes. Hee-hee... enjoy your read!


(Kristy)	“I still don’t think this is a good idea.”
(Nick)	“Sure it is. No one will believe it anyhow.”
(Courtney)	“Do we have to tell them EVERYTHING...”
(Matt)	“Ew...”
(Kr)	“Oh, grow up.”
(M)	“You mean we’re gonna tell them about... that... um... uh...”
(Ketra)	“C’mon, we started, we might as well finish.”
(C)	“Oh, FINE.”
(N)	“Where do we start?”
(Kr)	“We have to start at the ‘beginning.’”
(N)	“Where IS the ‘beginning’?”
(Kr)	“Um... I don’t know...”
(Ke)	“Well, now.”
(C)	“Matt!”
(M)	“Excuse me.”
(Ke)	“I’ll think about it.”
(Kr)	“There’s NO excuse for you.”
(M)	“Shut up. I’ll have you all incinerated.”
(Kr)	“You can’t do that. I’m a QUEEN! A QUEEN, I TELL YOU!”
(N)	“Oh, stop. You’re embarassing me.”
(Ke)	“Did we HAVE to meet at Amity Island?”
(N)	“I don’t know. Ask Matt. HE’S the idiot who arranged this...”
(Kr)	“Water should go uphill.”
(M)	“Are you SURE you want to take out Russia?”
(N)	“What the heck are you talking about?”
(Kr)	“Not the mother-land!”
(M)	“I guess we should start at the beginning of our trip to California.”
(C)	“Who’s gonna start?”
(M)	“I will.”
(Kr)	“Why is it YOU all the time?”
(M)	“Because I’m more important.”
(Ke)	“AS IF!”
(M)	“Remember, I control the Air Force... and the navy, and the ground troops...”
(N)	“Okay, okay! You can start! But you have to give us turns, too.”
(C)	“I’ll let him go, but only if it’ll shut him up about the weapons.”
(M)	“...and the bombs, and the torpedoes, and the nuclear subs, and...”
