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A Prophet Poem by "Mother Shipton"

My grandmother showed this to me, and I thought I'd share it with everyone!

On an old broad cast of "Focus on the Family," Dr. James Dobson shifted attention to his hobby of astronomy, pointing out several ways that science had recently verified the biblical version of creation.

In the course of the program, he read a prophetic poem that has been in the Dobson family for many years. It was written by Mother Shipton, a mystery figure of history who died 43 years before Columbus discovered America. We don't know how she received her insights. We can't verify that everything she wrote is valid. We do know that the poem was written before 1450. We do know that the events she predcited back in the first half of the fifteenth century have proved to be amazingly accurate.

We share it with you as a matter of interest, recognizing that it is God who holds the future. He had revealed previews of the future in His word, the Bible. He leaves nothing to chance. He holds your future too.

A Carriage without a horse shall go
Disaster fill the world with woe
In London, Primrose Hill shall be
Its center hold a Bishop's see
Around the world men's thoughts shall fly
Quick as the twinkling of an eye.

And waters shall great wonders do
And strange and yet it shall be true
Then upside down the world shall be
And gold found at the foot of tree
Thru towering hills proud men shall ride
No horse nor ass move by his side.

Beneath the waters men shall walk
Shall ride shall sleep and even talk
And in the air men shall be seen
In white and black as weel as green
A great man then shall come and go
For Prophecy declares it so.

In water iron then shall float
As easy as a wooden boat
Gold shall be found in stream and stone
In a land that is as yet unknown
Water and fire shall wonders do
And England shall admit the Jew.

The Jew that once was held in Scorn
Shall of a Christian then be born
A house of glass shall come to pass
In England but alas, alas. 
A war will follow with the work
Where dwells the Pagan and the Turk.

The States will lock in fierce strife
And seek to take each other's life
The north shall thus divide the south
The eagles build in lions mouth
Then tax and blood and cruel war
Shall come to every humble door.

Three times shall lovely sunny France
Be led to play a bloody dance
Before the people shall be free
Three tyrant rulers shall she see
Three rulers in succession be
Each spring from different dynasty.

Then when the fiercest fight is done
England and France shall be as one
The British Olive next shall twin
In marriage with the German vine
Men walk beneath and over stream
Fulfilled shall be our strangest dream.

And now a word of uncouth rhyme
Of what shall be in future time
For in those wondrous far off days
The women shall adopt a craze
To dress like men and trousers wear
Cut off their lovely locks of hair.

They're ride astride with brazen brow
As witches do on broomsticks now
Then love shall die and marriage cease
And nations wane as babes decrease
The women fondle cats and dogs
The men live much the same as hogs.

In Nineteen Hundred Twenty Six
Build houses light of straw and sticks
For then shall mighty wars be planned
And fire and sword shall sweep the land

Flee to the mountains and the dens
To bog and forests and wild fens
For storms shall rage and oceans roar
And Gabriel stand on sea and shore
And as he blows his wondrous horn
Old worlds shall die and new be born.