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New Friends and Old

Make new friends,
But keep the old,
One is silver,
And the other gold.

Someone mentioned to me today that I hadn't added to my website in quite a while. And he was right! So I'm adding something! Just a note to people who like reading this stuff, for heaven's sake, LET ME KNOW! If you want something I've said explained, or want me to write more or something, just tell me! I LOVE feedback, so feel free to email me or sign my guest- or slambook. Yes, Tallguy, that meant you. :D

Okay, anyway, back to the topic of today's page. And to Mom, no, I didn't just choose this set because I'm orange-hungry. Although that helped! Hee hee.

I was hunting through some old papers the other night, and I came across a whole folder full of notes from my two best friends back in seventh grade. My friendship with one is still great (I was hanging out with her and Tallguy and another friend today), but the other friendship... Well, I haven't probably spoken three words to her since eighth grade.

It took me a long time to forgive her for some of the things that were said between us, but I finally managed it. And then I looked at some of those notes last night and... well, it may have been three years and well behind me, but man, it still hurts! My stomach started hurting looking at some of the stuff she said, and remembering how I replied. I'm feeling pretty safe saying all this stuff, 'cause I'm pretty sure she's not going to be reading my website anytime soon. J/K!

This girl is really funny, and smart and artistic... Not all of the notes I kept were angry ones. Most of them had gorgeous or hilarious drawings all around the borders, and most of them were laugh-out-loud funny. In some ways, I'm sorry our friendship didn't work out, but a little tiny voice in the back of my head is telling me that this is the way it had to be, and in a weird way, it was the right way. I think it was better for us both to not be friends.

I do owe her a lot, though. After all, she taught me most of the basics I know of html! Without her, this website wouldn't exist! And we had some great times. I guess there's nothing to forgive anymore. I've got this sudden urge to start singing! Wahooo!

I've also found myself thinking about another old friend a lot lately. We were friends from first grade to fifth, when she moved to Indiana. We received a Christmas letter from her family this year, and I keep wondering what she's like now. Or what she would think of me now? I've changed a lot. Has she changed as much? Or I'll hear something, and think, what would she think of that? Or I'll see a picture, and think, that looks like her! I wonder if she still remembers so-and-so or such-and-such. I wish we hadn't lost touch. I should write her. But I don't know what to write!

And now, an ode to friends! I love you guys!

This is to friends along the way,
The friends I found and kept,
The friends I kept and lost again
And friends I've not yet met.
It's to friends I knew for a day
And never learned their names,
And to the friends who grew away
And friends who stayed the same.
The friends who moved so far apart
And the friends I never see,
Because no matter space or time,
They're still a part of me.