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Saturday, June 3, 2000
Scout Cabin
2 p.m.


Games and Winners:

Obstacle Course

Georgie (Bears)
Albert (Webelos)
JJ (Wolves)


Zack (Webelos)
Tim (Bears)
Brian (Wolves)

Egg & Spoon Race

Danny (Bears)
Thomas (Wolves)
Albert (Webelos)

Ballon Battle Royal

Albert (Webelos)
Georgie (Bears)
JJ (Wolves)

Three-Legged Race

Stephen (Wolves)
Tim (Bears)
Albert (Webelos)

Wheelbarrow Race

Albert (Webelos)
Tim (Bears)
Stephen (Wolves)


Today we are celebrating the conclusion of our 1999-2000 scouting year. Our Cubs Scouts, after showing their abilities in certain skills, have earned their ranks as a Bobcat, Wolf, or Bear. They have learned many new skills this year. We will now reward their efforts by promoting them to their new ranks for the 2000-2001 scouting year.


Tiger Cubs, during the past few months, you and your family together have explored all sorts of new and exciting things and places as stated in the Tiger Cub Motto: SEARCH, DISCOVER, SHARE. Together, you will join the Wolf Den. And, together, you will grow and learn new things while earning each badge. You will support and strengthen your Cub Scouting and own family in each step you take. Your parents will help and support you in each step of your journey.

Parents of the Tiger Cubs, please step forward — as your son steps over the bridge to the Wolf Den, you will be accepting the parental responsibilities of Cub Scouting. You will promise to do your best to help your son to be a good Cub Scout, to encourage him to fulfill the Cub Scout Promise and obey the Law of the Pack. You will also promise to help him in his Cub Scout Achievements and Electives, to cooperate with the Den Leader, Cubmaster, and Pack Committee and to actively participate in Cub Scouting. If you are willing to accept these responsibilities, signify this by saying "I will."

Thank you parents. Tigers, before you step over the bridge of Cub Scouting you must make a promise to the Pack. The most important part of this promise is to always "Do Your Best." You will be expected to do your best in everything you do, including during Cub Scouts, at home, and in school. Will you say the Cub Scout Promise by repeating after me? Signs up.

I promise to do my best...
To do my duty...
To God and my country...
To help other people...
And to obey the Law of the Pack...

Good job boys. As I call out your name, please step forward, receive your graduation certificate, cross over the bridge to become Wolf Cubs, and receive your new kerchief from the boy scouts. The Wolf Kerchief is gold, like the sun. It stands for joy in a job well done. Have fun as you learn the way of the Wolf Scout. Wear your new rank and kerchief proudly like all Cub Scouts have for the last 93 years.

Please give a big round of applause for our new Wolf Cubs.


Wolf Scouts, you have spent this year learning about Cub Scouting by earning not only the Bobcat Badge, but your Wolf Badge also. The Cub Scout Sign symbolizes the erect ears of the wolf. All of you have done your best to live up to the ideals of Cub Scouting. However, you are not ending your expedition here, but just beginning it. You will now begin on the trail of the Bear. Scouts, you have learned new skills and have shown yourselves ready to become Bear Cubs. All other animals respect the Bear because of his size, loyalty to its young, and hunting. Today, you will receive your Bear Kerchief. The Bear Kerchief is blue. Blue stands for truth, loyalty, and obedience. You must learn to obey before you can expect others to obey you. The kerchief stands for obedience to the Law of the Pack. Wear your new rank and kerchief proudly like all Cub Scouts have for the last 93 years.

Parents of Wolves please step forward. Your participation in your son's scouting experience is essential. You have all done a great job this scouting year. Please continue to do so as he advances through the ranks.

Wolves, as I call out your name, please step forward, receive your graduation certificate, cross over the bridge to become Bear Cubs, and receive your new kerchief from the boy scouts.

Please give a big round of applause for our new Bear Scouts.


Bears, you have shown yourselves worthy of joining the Webelos Den by working hard through the ranks of Wolf and Bear. The Webelos Den has one big purpose. That's to prepare you for Boy Scouting, You will work on very exciting activity badges, learning things that may lead you to lifelong hobbies or professions. At the same time, you will study Boy Scout requirements so you will be ready to become Boy Scouts.

Parents of Bears, please step forward. You have helped your son along the Cub Scout Trail this far. It is important that you continue to go along with your sons and learn about the Boy Scout trail in his Webelos Den. I know that we will soon have the pleasure of seeing your son presented with activity badges, the Webelos Badge, and finally, the Arrow of Light, the highest award in Cub Scouting.

Bears, as I call out your name, please step forward, receive your graduation certificate, cross over the bridge to become Webelos, and receive your new kerchief from the boy scouts. Wear your new rank and kerchief proudly like all Cub Scouts have for the last 93 years.

Please give a big round of applause for our new Webelos.


The entire Scouting program runs entirely on the volunteers who help teach our sons the principles of Scouting. Without them, there is no program. Bernice Roosevelt is the Den Leader for the new Webelos and Lynn Mesure is the Den Leader for the new Wolf Scouts. Please come forward. Bernice and Lynn, please accept the sincere gratitude of Pack 37 for your work with the Cubs in your den. This star may be small, but it represents many hours of your time given to Scouting. Thank you! Marge Cyran, our Pack Treasurer and Cub Scout Guru, please come up. Parents and boys, please give these women a Big Round of applause. They work hard and spend endless hours giving you the best scouting program they can and it's only going to get better.

Thank you for your attention. I hope you enjoyed our graduation ceremony. We will now set up the food and begin our Outdoor Adventure!