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.:Site Contents:.

.:The EarthBound Games:.
 EarthBound 0 / Mother 1 (NES)
 EarthBound / Mother 2 (SNES)
 EarthBound 64 (N64) *canceled*
 Mother 3 (GBA)
 Mother 1 + 2 (GBA)

.:The Smash Bros Games:.
 Super Smash Bros (N64)
 Super Smash Bros Melee (GCN)
 Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii)

.:The Site Database:.
 Site Information
 Outside Links

.:EarthBound / Mother 2:.
--Screen Shots--

A cookie for the road.

A Chomposaur.

The Sky Runner.

The town of Fourside.

A Pogo Punk fight.

A Starmaster.

The Tenda Tribe.

Mayor B.H. Pirkle.