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.:Site Contents:.

.:The EarthBound Games:.
 EarthBound 0 / Mother 1 (NES)
 EarthBound / Mother 2 (SNES)
 EarthBound 64 (N64) *canceled*
 Mother 3 (GBA)
 Mother 1 + 2 (GBA)

.:The Smash Bros Games:.
 Super Smash Bros (N64)
 Super Smash Bros Melee (GCN)
 Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii)

.:The Site Database:.
 Site Information
 Outside Links

.:Super Smash Bros Melee:.
--Break The Targets--

- 1 -
This one's right above your head. Pound it and move on.

- 2 and 3 -
Stand on the raised platform to your right and direct a fully-charged PK Flash right in the middle of the two targets targets on the other side of the barrier. If it's in the right place, you'll get both of them.

- 4 -
This one can be tricky. Stay where you are and use PK Thunder. It might take a little practice, but once you get used to it, it's easy.

- 5 and 6 -
Stand in the middle of the left platform and use PK Fire to hit 5 and it will automatically fall and knock out 6.

- 7 -
Jump and PK Thunder yourself onto the small moving platform above you. Do another jump and PK Thunder to simultaneously destroy the seventh target and launch yourself into the next area.

- 8 and 9 -
Head immediately to your right and jump into the right-hand shaft. As you go in, use Ness's midair sparkly attack to get the target on the right side of the opening. Pound the target at the bottom and head back up. (NOTE: you have to time your jumping well here, or you'll just barely miss the top.)

- 10 -
Just drop in and go after the final target any way you choose, and you're done!