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"Site Updated"

Team News
Welcome to the Fulton Racing web page. This is the only official web site of the Fulton Racing Team. Here you will find info on the entire team and its sponsors.

Well the Holidays are past. I hope everyone had a nice Christmas & a Happy New Year. It got pretty busy here over the last 2 months, with the Holidays, Tylers 2nd. birthday, and Sandy & I went on a trip She had WON to the "CRAZY MOUNTAIN RANCH" in Clyde Park, Montana. Read more in the TEAM NEWS page. As some of you might of heard I had to have back surgery last month. The surgery went pretty good, the doctors found a little more damage than they were expecting, but repaired everything the best they could. This meaning that I will not be running a car this up coming season. However I will be at the track with Dave Whetstone, from time to time. My main goal is to get myself back in shape before the 2008 season. I will be running then if my back lets me. My brother and I are going to get a newer Late Model shortly and start putting everything together for 2008.

Well the new STREET STOCK we built has a new Home. The pround new owner is Marlin Watkins of Breezewood. He is planing on running the car full time at Bedford Speedway this up coming season.

Read all about the racing from this past season on the team news page. I've just about got everything else updated also, so click on any link at the bottom of the page & don't forget to sign the guest book before you leave the site. team news You can also find out who the new team members are.

Current Information
Fulton Racing is looking for some additional support for the up coming 2008 season. If you would like to become a primary or an associate sponsor on the Fulton Racing Chevrolet Lumina Street Stock. We will email any interested party a complete promotional plan that you can review. No pressure at all! If you want to sit down and discuss our program with you. You need only reply to our website.
2007 Street Stock "FOR SALE"
Car Manufacture: Chevrolet Monte Carlo
Class of Car: Street Stock
Chassis Builder: Fulton Motorsports
Engine Info. : You decide
Engine Builder:
Color: You decide
Car Number: ?

Coming in 2007
Car Manufacture: Chevrolet
Class of Car: Super Late Model
Chassis Builder: Rocket
Engine Info. : 358
Engine Builder: Mighty Mouse Racing Engines
Color: Undecided(pics coming soon)
Car Number: 40
General information about the team
Fulton Racing is a family owned team. Matt Fulton is the man behind all that awesome horsepower. While I supply the driving talent behind the steering wheel. Matt has an unprecedented talent of making horsepower without spending a ton of money. My Wife is a real big help when we are at the track, She keeps us informed about line-ups and where we are supposed to be at what time. She also takes care of my equipment when I can't. Vern is our dad, and his experience as a mechanic for the past 39 years will be a big help again this season.

| Fulton Motorsports || Mighty Mouse Racing Engines || Kustom Graphix Signs & Design 814-266-2341 ||

Race Tracks Where We Race
|Latrobe Speedway, Challenger Raceway, Dog Hollow Speedway, Thunder Valley Raceway, Mercer Raceway Park, The Rock (cumberland md.), Tri-City Raceway (PA), Sportsman Raceway Park, Roaring Knob Speedway |

Special Events And New Services
Well the new sign shop is up and running and we are starting to get pretty busy. Give us a call for all your stock car lettering needs, we are the best & cheapest in the area, with complete car packages starting at $149.95. We also do trailers, Imports, Commercial vehicle lettering, Magnetic Signs, and etc. The new web site will be up and running soon. Don't forget to check out the classifieds page. Check it out. "its free". You can browse for parts or maybe a whole car. Vote on the mini pole. It loads at the bottom of this page. Check it out and vote today. Also feel free to sign my guest book.

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This Web Site is Dedicated to the Memmory of Chris "Zuke" Zuccolotta