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$$$Welcome to The Game $how Empire!$ $


The Home of GSC 12!

7,640 episodes
...and still counting!

***Last update: 6/25/2024

Recent Updates:

9/10/2021 - 7,000th episode added! Still recording Classic Concentration and now Whew! from Buzzr. Thanks to all who have helped me in the cataloging process. No more trading (for the foreseeable future), but haven't ruled out the possibility of one day resuming.

2/20/2021 - Added a few TPIR episodes from Christmas 1982 and Jeopardy!, Alex's last show.
10/19/2020 - NEW! NEW! NEW! (Remember that from ATGS?!) In a brand new section, I am pleased to bring "Interviews With Past Contestants"! The title is self-explanatory, so scroll down to read!
7/25/2020 - Celebrating 20 years on the net and trading! This website was born on July 17, 2000, very shortly after my first trade was complete. Though I've taken an indefinite break from trading, my collection is still intact and I continue to keep up recording shows here and there. Thank you to everyone who has traded with me over the past 20 years making this relatively small yet great collection what it is today.
5/20/2020 - Added Survivor: Winners At War and Classic Concentration as aired on Buzzr. Still not back into trading, but I appreciate those who have contacted me about it. Likely I'm done trading for good, except on the rare occasion that something perks my interest. I just don't have the time anymore. For now, I'll continue to record my few favorites and build my collection that way.
1/20/2020 - Added Survivor: Island of the Idols and Classic Concentration as aired on Buzzr!
8/23/2019 - Added Survivor: Edge of Extinction and Amazing Race 31. Haven't traded in over two years now, but may get back into it one day. Thanks to those who have reached out. I haven't forgotten!
1/25/2019 - Added several missing Classic Concentration episodes from spring/summer 1987, as aired on Buzzr. Survivor 37, David vs. Goliath. Still adding Classic Concentration episodes as they air on Buzzr!
9/27/2018 - Not too many updates this time, and no trades recently. Added Survivor 36 and various others. Will be updating any missing Classic Concentration episodes as they air!
4/16/2018 - Added a few various shows: Survivor 35 and Amazing Race 30, all episodes. Pilot episodes of Star Words and Body Talk, and a few Wordplays...before BUZZR's pull. Been slow over the past year, but I'm still here and open for trades!
7/22/2017 - More episodes finally added! See "Recently Added" for all the details. Includes Friday night program blocks from the late 80's-early 90's, The Price Is Right, Blackout, and more!
2/8/2017 - A long time coming, finally all the updates from last fall are complete! See "Recently Added" for all the details. Trading is back up and running, however only accepting new proposals on a limited basis at this time.

Where to?
Hollywood Squares
Press Your Luck
The Price Is Right
Other: GS and Non GS Related Material

*** Recently Added!*** - The fastest and easiest way to see what's new to the collection.

*I still have Game Show Network, and now have Buzzr TV!*

- On to the trading!.....
Trading Availability & Guidelines - Find out my status on current trades and trading availability. Also, trading rules have been moved to this page. PLEASE check availabilty before requesting a trade.
My Wantlist - Find out which shows I am looking for in particular.

E-mail me to set up a trade today!

Interviews With Past Contestants! - NEW! Read about the experiences of past game show contestants!

Game Show Convention 12 - Your one and only stop for GSC 12, June 3-5, 2004. Find out what happened, and take a look at some great pics!

***Be sure to check out The Family Feud flub page!
The Flub Page

About Me - Find out some information about me and how I got started in trading.

*Since July 2000, thanks to those traded with who have made this collection what it is today:

Brian Schwartz (14)
Chuck Donegan (6)
Greg Brobeck (6)
Greg Garsten (6)
Christopher Bryant (6)
Chris Wannagat(6)
Charles Hodges (5)
D.C. Lundberg (5)
Jason Cranmer (5)
Mark Barrett (4)
Nick Casiano (4)
Sean Davidson (4)
Russ Scottfield (4)
Ryan Vickers (3)
Adam A. Bourre (3)
Matt Kaiser (3)
Joe Raygor (3)
Michael Kriese (3)
Yarnel Nicolas (3)
Daniel Fong (3)
Philip Cousin (3)
Mark Sinsabaugh (3)
Ray Dinally (3)
Anthony Nichols (3)
Joe Madigan (2)
Glen Zimmerman (2)
Nick Johnson (2)
Dustin Dumovich (2)
Aaron Wakamatsu (2)
Paul D. (2)
Steven Thomas (2)
Jon Pleszewski (2)
Zachary Ellis (2)
Chris Nendel (2)
Josh Brasseale (2)
Richard Rhom (2)
Mary Anne Cunliffe (2)
Steve Sadler Jr. (2 - tape giveaways)
Ryan Rinkerman
Jaimal Ware
Ian McLinn
David Downs
Adam Nedeff click here for Adam's page!
"Seņor" Jon Wood
Russ Scottfield
Trent McSwain
Greg Diener
George Anderson
Tammy Warner
Mitch Groff
Robert Homa
James Fabiano
Nick Treadway
Ian Wallis
Brad Jaufmann
Jeremy Mills
Patrick Morgan
John Ricci Jr.
Jason Hernandez
Carl Chenier
Brendan Evans
David Barkow
Michelle Erel
Daryl Trotman
Christopher Yoder
Christopher Clark
Anton Spivack
James Hatten
J. Johnston
Brian Wilson
Michael Wise
Chris Meulen
Mike Klauss
John Cierpial
James Brunk III
Brett Odom
Chris Tuskowski
Dan Sadro
Jeff Jones
Jeff Hirasuna
Nicholas Galvante
Andrew Grieve
John P. Johnson
Christian Carrion
Steve K.
Joe Van Ginkel
Matt Malinoski
Brian Scott
Kevin Young
Paolo Burgos
Brian Hibbs
Tim Sternberg
Glen Mason

A new poll coming soon...maybe! (But probably not!)

No copyright infringement is intended, and absolutely NO MONEY has ever or will ever be traded for. False accusations against either of these statements will not be tolerated.
This site is maintained by Andrew Kudey with honorary mention to former trading partner, Robert Staub. Copyright 2000-2024, Kudey-Staub Productions.