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Trade Availability & Guidelines


*10/23/20* - Haven't been trading much over the past three years. I'm not completely out of it, and not sure if I will ever be. I'm just focusing on other things right now. In December of last year I relocated to Greenville, SC area, and it was a wonderful change. All my tapes and DVDs are still packed away in boxes, and I've been denying trades that have come my way this year. If ever I do get back into trading, I know who to contact. So thank you to all of you who have asked recently.

*As an additional note, if you have traded with me in the last few years, you may have been asked to pick a few shows extra due to me not being able to find all of what you asked for. Please bear with me on this. The reason for that was in June 2011, I acquired all of my friend and trading partner Bob Staub's tapes. We began trading in June 2000, and he would have his trades and I'd have mine. We pooled all of our tapes and episodes together to form the collection you see on this website. Since giving me all of his tapes (200+), there are times when I cannot locate a particular show. If I have it listed on my website, I definitely have it, but locating it is at times challenging. Rather than spending hours trying to find one or two shows, it is much easier to ask the other trader to simply pick a few other replacement shows. I've never encountered any negative feedback regarding this issue, and every trader is always happy in the end with what they received. Please be aware of this when we trade, because it may happen from time to time in the future. Now with that said, see below for my current trades!

E-mail me to set up a trade today!

Here is the guide to my trade progress:
Blue: Trade currently in progress.
Black: Trade pending or confirmed, but have not started recording.
Pink: DVDs/tapes in transit.
Orange: Their DVDs/tapes recieved. Waiting to receive mine.
Green: Trade completed.
Gray: Trade on hold/postponed.
Red: Trade overdue/Bad trader.

  • Christopher Bryant - Agreed to trade
  • Greg Garsten - Agreed to trade
  • Charles Hodges - COMPLETED - 11/13/2020
  • Christopher Bryant - COMPLETED - 3/9/2017
  • George Anderson - COMPLETED - 2/27/2017
  • Trent McSwain - COMPLETED - 9/10/2016
  • Jason Cranmer - COMPLETED - 8/12/2016
  • Brian Schwartz - COMPLETED 7/15/2016
  • Greg Garsten - COMPLETED - 6/27/2016
  • Jason Cranmer - COMPLETED - 2/29/2016
  • Chris Bryant - COMPLETED - 2/24/2016
  • Jason Cranmer - COMPLETED - 1/30/2016
  • Chris Bryant - COMPLETED - 6/5/2015
  • Russ Scottfield - COMPLETED - 5/19/2015
  • Greg Brobeck - COMPLETED - 4/2/2015
  • Glen Zimmerman - COMPLETED - 3/13/2015
  • Michelle Arel - COMPLETED - 2/21/2015
  • Adam A. Bourre - COMPLETED - 2/16/2015
  • Greg Brobeck - COMPLETED - 12/22/2014
  • David Downs - COMPLETED - 11/24/2014
  • Brian Schwartz - COMPLETED - 10/25/2014
  • Christopher Bryant - COMPLETED - 8/27/2014
  • Jason Cranmer - COMPLETED - 8/21/2014
  • Christopher Bryant - COMPLETED - 8/21/2014
  • Ian McLinn - COMPLETED - 7/26/2014
  • Jason Cranmer - COMPLETED - 7/23/2014
  • Joe Madigan - COMPLETED - 6/23/2014
  • Brian Schwartz - COMPLETED - 6/23/2014
  • Greg Brobeck - COMPLETED - 6/7/2014
  • Jaimal Ware - COMPLETED - 4/30/2014
  • Adam A. Bourre - COMPLETED - 3/25/2014
  • Brian Schwartz - COMPLETED - 2/21/2014
  • Greg Garsten - COMPLETED - 2/10/2014
  • James Bibbs-Hatten - COMPLETED - 11/29/2013
  • Adam Bourre - COMPLETED - 11/23/2013
  • Nick Casiano - COMPLETED - 11/23/2013
  • Yarnel Nicolas - COMPLETED - 11/8/2013
  • Zachary Ellis - COMPLETED - 10/31/2013
  • David Barkow - COMPLETED - 10/7/2013
  • Glen Zimmerman - COMPLETED - 9/14/2013
  • Brian Schwartz - COMPLETED - 8/6/2013
  • Ryan Rinkerman - COMPLETED - 8/5/2013
  • Yarnel Nicolas - COMPLETED - 8/3/2013
  • Greg Brobeck - COMPLETED - 7/1/2013
  • Christopher Bryant - COMPLETED - 6/21/2013
  • Nick Casiano - COMPLETED - 6/13/2013
  • Zachary Ellis - COMPLETED - 3/14/2013
  • Greg Garsten - COMPLETED - 1/28/2013
  • D.C. Lundberg - COMPLETED - 11/7/2012
  • Nick Casiano - COMPLETED - 9/17/12
  • James Brunk III - COMPLETED - 8/22/12
  • Brian Wilson - COMPLETED - 9/5/12
  • Greg Brobeck - COMPLETED - 8/2/12
  • Chris J. Clark - COMPLETED - 7/27/12
  • Greg Garsten - COMPLETED - 6/21/12
  • Michael Wise - COMPLETED - 8/28/11
  • Greg Garsten - COMPLETED - 8/20/11
  • Michael Kriese - COMPLETED - 7/25/11
  • Greg Garsten - COMPLETED - 7/1/11
  • Nick Casiano - COMPLETED - 6/20/11
  • Brian Schwartz - COMPLETED - 6/8/11
  • James Brunk III - COMPLETED - 5/17/11
  • John Cierpial - COMPLETED - 5/14/11
  • D.C. Lundberg - COMPLETED - 4/29/11
  • Chris Meulen - COMPLETED - 4/18/11

    • Chris Bryant - Great trader alert!***
    • Danny Voisine - Trade Overdue as of 10/3/03**
    • Larry Gillman - Trade Overdue as of 7/31/02*

    ***GREAT TRADER ALERT: Back in the summer of 2012, I wrote a warning about a new trader named Chris Bryant. Chris had, at the time, become very annoyed that I was not interested in trading with him. However, I retract my comment as I am pleased to report that Chris has made a wonderful turnaround as a trader. I have traded with him on several occasions, most recently in March 2017. I've gotten several great additions to my collection as a result of trading with Chris and would like to commend his attitude change. Chris is very knowledgeable on a variety of kids' game shows and is very fast at getting his end of the work done for you. If you have not traded with him, I'd highly recommend it! Chris, great work over the past several years, and if I ever get back into trading, we will trade again.

    **BAD TRADER ALERT: My trading partner Bob Staub picks up the story on this one:

    "In mid-August someone new popped up on the trading post by the name of Danny Voisine. He replied to a lot of posts and seemed like a friendly guy with shows to share. So I went to his website and discovered that he claimed to have what any trader would consider to be gameshow gold. I immediately e-mailed him asking for a trade. He agreed to the trade and I was very happy, thinking within a week or so I would be watching and trading rarities such as Clark Crosswits and Woolery Wheel Of Fortune. Mike Klauss was the first one to question the validity of Danny's collection, however Danny had e-mailed me three show openings, leading me to believe that he had to have the rare episodes. So like a goof, I defended Danny telling everyone that I believed he was legit. On the same day, a poster named Philip Newport who claimed to have traded with Danny already also defended him, and told me that I was lucky to be getting such gems. So around the last week of August, I mailed Danny's tapes to him. He demanded that I send his tape first and also that I get a delivery confirmation. I obliged, figuring that he just wanted to keep me honest. So three days later on 08/28/03, Danny recieved the tapes I sent him, and the USPS Tracking number "0302 1790 0001 3060 6194" proves that. So Danny told me that he got my tapes, and would be mailing my three tapes the next day. In fact he even sent me a Fed Ex tracking number, so I figured that by the middle of the next week I'd have my tapes. However, something was a little bit odd, unlike my valid tracking number listed above, the one Danny gave me wasn't working on the Fed Ex website. At this point I was a little suspicious. So I figured I was typing it in wrong, or entering the number on the wrong page. I asked Danny how he could use the tracking feature, yet I couldn't. He told me that this was the number he was given, and that he checked and saw my tapes were in Houston. I figured this was a lie, but still wanted to defend him because of more sample clips, and a promise that new tapes would be sent if I didn't get my tapes. Now it was almost a week since he claimed to mail them for the first time, so I figured that maybe the Labor Day holiday could have slowed things up, so I waited even longer, and finally on 9/5/03 a call to Fed Ex confirmed my suspicions. They told me that the number was bogus. I told Danny this, and he responded to me that my tapes were at a shipping center in Bethlehem, PA, which is an hour from my house. I figured that even though Fed Ex told me the number was bogus, Bethlehem was a rare enough town, that he couldnt be making this up. So I waited out the weekend, and still with no tapes, I kindly asked for him to resend replacement tapes within a week. Danny responded by bashing me telling me that my lost tapes weren't important, as he had other trades and that he was in control, because of the clout his shows gave him. He told me not to pressure him or he wouldn't send the tapes at all. Now at this point I pretty much lost hope that I would ever see anything from him. But I agreed to not pressure him, and didn't bother with him for two more weeks, giving him ample time to redub my tapes. When the two weeks were up, I e-mailed him asking if he was sending my tapes soon, and he responded to that by telling me that 1) I already had the first batch of tapes he sent, and 2) the second ones arrived at my house two days earlier. He then told me that he would mail out the tapes a third time, and I pretty much knew by then that he had scammed me. So after another week of waiting, no tapes came. I was all set to put up a bad trader alert, when reputable trader Matt Kaiser e-mailed me and told me he and at least 6 or 7 others were scammed by Danny the same way I was. So, we all posted warnings to the trade post and Danny continued to lie, this time under the aliases of Alice Foster and Philip Newport. These characters all bashed Matt, myself and numerous others telling us that we were wrong to call Danny a bad trader. They even went as far as posting letters on Danny's website telling us how they had access to his records and knew we all had our tapes. At this point Mike Klauss found out that all three were the same person, and banned them from the trade post. Danny still continues to lie to this day, and plays dumb and pretends he has no clue why anyone is mad at him, and Newport and Foster still defend him as well. Speaking for myself, if Danny ever becomes a real man and sends me my tapes, I will be happy to remove this message, however until that day, it will stay up as a warning to other traders out there to (Chris Jericho) "NEVER EEEE--VVV-ER" TRADE WITH DANNY VOISINE (from Redding, CA), ALICE FOSTER (Albany, NY) OR PHILIP NEWPORT (Columbia, SC)."

    This is the first trade where we have ever lost anything. It was only 12 hours, but still a very big disappointment. I appreciate the support from others in the trading circuit who are defending our claim, especially Matt Kaiser who helped us a lot.

    *BAD TRADER ALERT: In June 2002, someone by the name of Larry Gillman contacted me requesting a tape trade. He claimed to have every episode of Fun House on a special kind of tape that fits 200+ episodes at a time. He called them "non-leteralic day tapes" from what I remember. While this was hard to believe, I went into the trade cautiously. I made three tapes of Legends of the Hidden Temple to meet his request but asked that he mail my tapes first to be safe. Week after week passed, and still nothing. I gave him the deadline listed above, and upon not receiving the tapes by then, cancelled the trade and never sent his tapes. He now claims that I did not fulfill my end of the deal. Since the incident, he has emailed me posing as his father, older brother, and friend (with the same e-mail address!) in Sept. and Oct. 2002 and most recently just a few weeks ago. He would most likely propose a trade claiming he has episodes of your favorite show (whatever that happens to be--in my case, Fun House). If he contacts you, disregard, and post to the game show newsgroup to spread the word.

    Where to?
    Collection #-C
    Collection D-G
    Collection H-M
    Hollywood Squares *Over 130 episodes*
    Collection N-R
    Press Your Luck *Over 525 episodes*
    The Price Is Right *Over 600 episodes*
    Collection S-T
    Collection U-Z
    Other: GS and Non GS Related Material