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Ucg Teens News


It was a success. The author of this news page got tto see some specail someone, and everyone had a blast. I got now bad reports at all from anyone. All the feedback was positive. The speaches were motivational, and inspirational. The bonding between everyone was great, a perfect example of how things will be in the kingdom of God. If you didnt go, man let me tell you you missed out. There was white water rafting, which most people thought was dangerous enough, but drewski wanted more dangerous.The dance was great, although a remix machine wouldhave made it better. It was a wonderful thing.

Notice: This site is maintained by Andrew Tranquada, a teen from the Pittsburgh, PA congregation. This site is not made or maintained by the United Church of God, AIA. This site is hosted by Angelfire, an independant hosting company.

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