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Heed My Call
17 June 1999, Thursday

Heed my call,
Oh G-d All Mighty.
Heed my call.

Heed my call,
Oh G-d All Mighty.
For I am lost upon the earth
In a whirlwind of confusion.
Heed my call.

Heed my call,
Oh G-d All Mighty.
For I am scattered upon the ground
Like leaves upon a winter's eve.
Like starts upon deep blue sky.
Heed my call.

Heed my call,
Oh G-d All Mighty.
For I am alone, lost in a shuffle
Of deities and deception.
Heed my call.

Heed my call,
Oh G-d All Mighty.
Heed my call.

Heed my call,
Oh G-d All Mighty.
For I am alone as a moon without the earth.
The sky without the stars.
I am alone in my pod with no peas.
A bird without her feathers.
I am like the sea with no tide,
A square with no sides.
I am alone in this world.
I am the desolate night
Where no moon can be seen.
A vegetable missing its green.
And this is why I ask:
Heed my call,
Oh G-d All Mighty,
Heed my call.