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Metalloid Research



Attack Information
The Speed stat of the pokemon using Agility will increase by 2 steps (termed BTLs in the Gameboy description) on the Stat growth scale.

Because of the uniformity of the increases of the value, this increase translates into an increase equivalent to the original value of the Speed stat each time this move is used. In more definite terms, starting with no modifiers, the 1st use of the move will make the Speed stat 2 times the original value, the 2nd will make it 3 times, and the 3rd will make it 4 times the original value.

Agility will always fail if it has already been used 3 times by the same pokemon, without a move that lowers Speed being used on or against the pokemon using Agility. This is due to the fact that a stat may only be raised by a maximum of 6 steps, until it is reset by the use of Haze or the pokemon is switched out normally. The maximum is the limit of how many increases can be applied to a stat. If another move increases the Speed stat of the pokemon using Agility, the number of steps that it increases the Speed stat by will count toward the 6 step limit. This will not reduce the number of times that Agility can be used unless the increase is by at least 2 steps. The increase will still max at 6 steps, so Agility will only provide a 1 step bonus if there are already 5 steps of increase in effect.

Learned By:
Beedrill Pidgey Pidgeotto
Pidgeot Spearow Fearow
Pikachu Growlithe Ponyta
Rapidash Farfetch'd Doduo
Dodrio Hitmonchan Horsea
Seadra Goldeen Seaking
Scyther Jolteon Porygon
Aerodactyl Articuno Zapdos
Moltres Dratini Dragonair
Dragonite Ledyba Ledian
Spinarak (Crystal-only) Ariados (Crystal-only) Aipom
Girafarig Scizor Sneasel
Mantine Skarmory Kingdra
Porygon2 Hitmontop
Previous Evolution
Raichu Arcanine
New York City Pokemon Center
Magnemite Magneton (By Previous Evolution) Voltorb
Electrode (By Previous Evolution) Hoppip Skiploom (By Previous Evolution)
Jumpluff (By Previous Evolution)