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Metalloid Research



Attack Information
After an opposing pokemon is hit with Attract, it will have a 50% chance of not attacking on every turn.

Attract can only be used against a pokemon that is the opposite gender of the user.

The effects of Attract will continue until one of the following occurs:

1. Either the pokemon that used Attract or the one that has been affected by the move faints.

2. The pokemon that has been affected is switched out, either normally or via Baton Pass.

3. The pokemon that used Attract switches out, either normally or via Baton Pass.

Automatic failure of Attract occurs under the following conditions:

1. The using pokemon doesn't have a gender (e.g. Magneton or Lugia).

2. The opposing pokemon doesn't have a gender (same as above).

3. The opposing pokemon is the same gender as the using pokemon.

4. The opposing pokemon is already under the effects of Attract.

Attract is affected by Brightpowder when the opposing pokémon is equipped with it.

Learned By:
TM 45
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