Metalloid Research
Here you'll find links that the author of this page considers to have significance among pokemon pages. The author could list quite a few more, but these are all more than just a common fan site (or the less-useful among the multi-media sites). Some unlisted sites may have something unique, but not enough. Others may have a large amount of content, but it may not be unique, or worse yet, entirely stolen. Some of these may also be sites that the author has (or has had) reason to visit with some regularity. What qualifies as this is entirely the opinion of the author of this page, which does not in any way count as a law, fact, or other highly agreed-upon concept.
The first English-speaking website to do quality work on researching the Pokemon games, aside from hacking stats. The website ended up having everything that was needed back in the R/B/Y days. The decision was made not to do the same for G/S, however, and it does not appear that it will be done for R/S, either. The forum does have people discussing information for those games, though. It is still given respect due to the impact it had in the R/B/Y days as well as the generally high amount of accuracy it had for discussion of information in it's forums in the G/S days. This is probably also the only website which still hosts an R/B/Y PBS (Pokemon Battle Simulator) |
One of the first English-speaking websites to put up stat lists hacked from the game. This would be where the complete game stats list for both attacks and pokemon would first be put up for R/B/Y and G/S. It was a great reference for that basic information. It is unknown whether the information for R/S will be put here as well, but it would not have the distinction of being first this time. |
The home site for the only web-based G/S/C PBS that I am aware of. There are also bots on IRC which simulate G/S/C pokemon battles, but you can't put links to those. |
The Pokemon website from the publishers of the game (Game Freak actually makes the games, Nintendo just publishes and licenses them). As would be expected from the company that only does the publishing and licensing, the site contains very little of any real value. The only reason the author of this page even visits it is to get the updated list of NYC Pokemon Center moves. |
A site which give a nice amount of pokemon information, but may be better known for being the home of the "Pokemon RMT!". The Pokemon RMT! is a team-analysis program. For a novice, the program can be pretty useful as it entirely automates the analysis of the basic strengths and weaknesses of a team. For a more advanced pokemon player the utility can still be useful, since it can end up pointing out those basic flaws that one may miss while devising more advanced strategies. Methinks the creator could be in for some legendary headaches (pun on the site address) when updating the program for R/S. |
Similar to MR here in the fact that it's not very frequently updated, although it actually is more frequently updated. This site was started when Pokemon Forever dropped its forums. It was started by people who had been strong contributors to those forums. These founders had proved both helpful to others and demonstrated a strong grasp of the game. The new site brings their more permanent contributions and has tried to serve as a replacement for the forums that the founders used to frequent. It hasn't quite achieved that goal yet, but it's possible that it will. Although, it was to be an avowed G/S/C site, they have put up some R/S information. |
Meowth346's site. If you don't know about, then you're pretty new to the online pokemon scene (The same could be said of Azure Heights, as well. I really have to wonder if you end up here first.). The site rose to prominence after the release of G/S. It contained quite a bit of good information on those games. When R/S came out in Japan, this site was the first to start posting information. During its transition to R/S the site's foums were dropped, as well as G/S info. The G/S info has been returning, however. |
A site which lets you look up and compare the stats and skills of pokemon of any level. It's been unchanged since the upgrade for G/S was made. Future changes for R/S are uncertain. |
A hefty amount of information starting with the G/S era of games. The site also has base stats for the new pokemon in R/S. |
White Cat's collection of pokemon files. The original links that were here were to his G/S/C Pokedex and R/S Pokedex since both are flat text files. This makes them convienient as they could be downloaded for easy reference and take up very little space. Some of the other files there are of interest as well. |