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Metalloid Research

Sweet Scent


Attack Information
Sweet Scent will lower the opponent's Evade by 1 step (termed BTLs in the Gameboy description) on the standard Accuracy scale.

Outside of battle, Sweet Scent may be used to initiate a battle with a wild pokemon. If the using pokemon is in the type of terrain where a wild battle would normally occur (i.e. grass or cave areas), then when Sweet Scent is used a wild battle will automatically occur. The wild pokemon that will be in the battle will be of both the kind and level that would normally be found in the area. The selection of wild pokemon that can be encountered during this battle ignores the limitations normally imposed by items used on or held by any pokemon in the party.

Sweet Scent will always fail if it has already been used 6 times on the same pokemon, without a move that raises Evade being used by or against the pokemon affected by Sweet Scent. This is due to the fact that a stat may only be lowered by a maximum of 6 steps, until it is reset by the use of Haze or the pokemon is switched out normally. The maximum is the limit of how many decreases can be applied to a stat. If another move decreases the Evade stat of the pokemon that Sweet Scent is used against, the number of steps that it decreases the Evade stat by will count toward the 6 step limit, and reduce the number of times that Sweet Scent can be used appropriately.

Sweet Scent is affected by Brightpowder when the opposing pokémon is equipped with it.

Learned By:
Bulbasaur Ivysaur Venusaur
Oddish Gloom Vileplume
Bellsprout Weepinbell Victreebel
TM 12
Bulbasaur Ivysaur Venusaur
Butterfree Beedrill Oddish
Gloom Vileplume Paras
Parasect Venonat Venomoth
Bellsprout Weepinbell Victreebel
Tangela Jynx Mew
Chikorita Bayleef Meganium
Ledyba Ledian Bellossom
Hoppip Skiploom Jumpluff
Sunkern Sunflora Pineco
Forretress Smoochum Miltank
New York City Pokemon Center
Exeggcute Exeggutor Teddiursa
Ursaring (By Previous Evolution)