* A girl only needs 4 animals in her life: A Jaguar in the garage, a Mink on her back, a Tiger in bed, and a Jackass to pay for it all. *
~ What you see is what you don't get so-drool on-dream on-and move on ~
* There are easier things in life than finding a good man...Nailing Jell-O to a tree, for instance! *
~ You Can Never Stay Mad At The Person Who Makes You Laugh ~
* If it were supposed to feel good, they wouldn't call it a crush *
~ Work as if you don't need the money,Love as if you've never been hurt,And dance like no ones watching ~
* An angel is what I was meant to be,thats why being so sweet comes naturely *
* Sometimes I wish I was a little kid again...skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts *
~ Take the *-L-* out of *-Lover-* and its *-over-* ~
* Wanted by many, taken by none, seen a few, but waiting for one *
~ Your Jealousy is my energy..ever wonder why I'm so HYPER?
* Always remember the last thing you say to people each day. Because what if it happens to be the last thing you ever get to say to them? *
~When people seem to push you away, thats when they need you the most ~
°* You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough *°
~ Always happy, never sad, sometimes naughty, never bad ~
*Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars*
°* Good girls are just bad girls who never get caught *°
~ To make things simple, let's automatically assume everything I say is right ~
*If you need a nickle, I'll give you a dime. If you need a man, dont go near mine!*
°* Guys are like roses, You gotta watch out for the pricks!*°
~ Why is it that when a guy is a player he is called a pro, but when a girl takes a turn she is called a hoe!
* Smile, it makes people wonder what you*re up to! *
°* Hate me cuz you hate me, don't hate me cuz you AINT me *°
~ If love isnt a game, why are there so many players? ~
* Some girls are nice, some girls are bad, but I come in both flavors, I'm the best you've ever had*
°* I would tell you to go to hell, but all dogs go to Heaven *°
~ Don't hate me because I'm beautiful; hate me because your boyfriend thinks so! ~
* Guys are like slinkies...good for nothing, but when one falls down the stairs you cant help but laugh *
°* Live like you die today, dream like you live forever.°*
~*If the only way to be with you is in my dreams, then I want to sleep forever*~
~ Friends are angels who lift us off our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly ~
* You know it's love when you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams. *
°* Good friends are like stars... you don't always see them, but you know they are always there. °*
* I ran up the door, closed the stairs, said my pajamas, and put on my prayers. Turned off the bed, and hoped into light, all because you kissed me goodnight. *
°* Sometimes there is no next time, no time outs, no second chances, sometimes it's now or never. °*
~ Best friends are like diamonds, precious and rare. False friends are like leaves, found everywhere! ~
°* Loving you is like breathing...how can I stop °*
~Never frown because you never know who is falling in love with your smile!~
°*The harder you look for love, the harder it is to find; the more patient you are, the easier it is to find you. Your life lies before you like freshly fallen snow, be careful where you walk, for every step will show.*°
| *when we shine its glorious* | | *so label us notorious* |
* It's best to wait for the one you want... than settle for the one available. * * Best to wait for the one you love... than one who's around. * * Best to wait for the right one... because life is too short to be wasted on just anyone. *
I*ll never forget the times we once shared and I*ll never forget how much you once cared. And now it*s over & I have one more thing to say, If I had a 4 leaf clover I*d wish for just one more day.
I climbed the door and opened the stairs, said my pajamas and put on my prayers. I turned off the bed and crawled into the light. All because you kissed me goodnight. Next morning I woke and scrambled my shoes. Polished my eggs and toasted the news. I couldn't tell my left from my right all because you kissed me goodnight. That evening at last, i felt normal again. So I picked up my mom and called the phone. I spoke to the puppy and threw dad a bone. Even at midnight the sun was still bright. All because you kissed me goodnight.
*Things change, people change, and it doesn't mean you forget the past or try to cover it up. it simply means that you move on, and treasure the memories *
* When I look at you my heart skips a beat but later that beat could mean a lifetime of tears wasted on something I knew I could never have. *
»×MM..Sweet Sweet Baby, Lìfe Is Crazy But There’s One Thing I Am Sure Of, Im Your Lady Always Baby,And I Love You Now And Ever»×
A heart is not a play thing, A heart is not a toy, but if you want it broken just give it 2 a boy. Boys like 2 play with things, to see what makes them run, but when it comes 2 kissing, they do it just for fun. Boys never give there hearts away, they play us girls for fools. They wait until we give our hearts & then they play it cool. You will wonder where he is at nite, you'll wonder if its true. One moment you'll be happy, one moment you'll be blue. If you get a chance to see him ur heart begins 2 dance. Your life revolves around him, There's nothing like romance. And when it starts 2 happen, you worry day & nite. You see, my friend, your losing him. It never turns out right. Boys are great though immature. The price you pay is high, He may seem sweet & gorgeous, but remeber, he's a guy. Don't fall in love with just a boy. That takes alot of nerve. You see, my friend, you need a MAN to get what you deserve. So, when you think ur in love, be careful if you can. Before you give ur heart away make sure that he's a man!
Advice is what we ask for... when we already know the answer, but wish we didn't.
True we don't know what we got until we lose it,we also don't know what we're missing until it arrives.
~°~ In your dreams! Go to bed! ~°~
You think life's a bitch? Wait til ya meet me!
If you cant amaze people with your intelligence... confuse them with your bullshit!
Two teardrops were floating down the river. The first one asked, “who are you from?” the second said, “im from a girl whose man let her go, you?”, “im from a man who regretted letting his girl go”
The space between our fingers are there for another person's fingers to fill them.
Blondes are fun... but Brunettes are better!! :)
Throughout life you will meet one person who is unlike any other, you could talk to this person for hours and never get bored, you could tell them things and they won't judge you... this person is your soulmate, your best friend... don't ever let them go.
~I'm glad I don't know everything about you... because everyday you amaze me~
Its funny how someone lives each and everyday of their life not knowing that their existance is the reason you live.
* I was the one who said things changed, but you were the one who showed me exactly how much they really did *
I guess the reason we could never work things out is because you were too proud to forgive me for something I was truely sorry for
If I tell you I love you can I keep you forever?
*A Simple Friend Has Never Seen You Cry*A Real Friend Has Shoulders Soggy From Your Tears*A Simple Friend Doesn't Know Your Parent's First Names*A Real Friend Has Their Phone Numbers In Her Address Book*A Simple Friend Brings A Bottle Of Wine To Your Party*A Real Friend Comes Early To Help You Cook & Stays Late To Help You Clean*A Simple Friend Hates It When You Call After She Has Gone To Bed*A Real Friend Asks You Why You Took So Long To Call*A Simple Friend Seeks To Talk With You About Your problems*A Real Friend Seeks To Help you With Your Problems*A Simple Friend Wonders About Your Romantic History*A Real Friend Could Blackmail You With It*A Simple Friend, When Visiting, Acts Like A guest*A Real Friend Opens Your Refrigerator And Helps Theirself*A Simple Friend thinks the friendship is over when you have an argument*A Real Friend Knows That It's Not A Friendship Until After You've Had A Fight*A Simple Friend Expects You To Always Be There For Them*A Real Friend Expects To Always Be There For You!*
-Dont waste your precious time crying! Spend it preparing yourself for the next asshole thats gonna break your heart!-
The party's hustlin' bustlin'! Inside the club is jumpin, Champaigne be bubblin'. The music be pumpin'. And then... *BOOM* ... Theres Silence... Me and my girlies walk in!
You'll never know how much I miss you... you wont see it in my face... You'll never know that I'll never find another guy that could take your place... Cuz I'll be smiling when I see you... No, my tears won't ever show... I might always love you... But you're never gonna know.
.*You Can*t Help Who You Love, You*re Not Supposed To.*. -Save The Last Dance
*Old Enough To Know Better- Young Enough Not To Care*
*Not Many People Stay True, But For The Ones That Do- I Got Mad Love For You!*
Smiles-n-Tears, Giggles-n-Laughs, Late Nite Phone Calls And Cute Photographs, I*ll Be There Til The End Cuz You're All My Best Friends!
* The only thing worse than a broken heart, is knowing that if you could do it all over again, you would.
*Because of you I laugh a little harder, Cry a little less, And smile a little more*
*Today i Luv You More Than Yesterday, But Not As Much As Tomorrow*
WhEN yOu ToUcH mE - i FeEL sO SeXy - i WaNnA gIvE iN - To PuRe ExTaSy
Why Waste your time getting hurt by someone when somewhere out there theres someone just waiting to make you happy?
Kiss Him- Diss Him- Screw Him- Ditch Him- Its Not Like I*ll Ever Miss Him. Get Him All Worked Up And Tell Him We*re Through.. Who Said Gurls Can't Play Too?
*If you can't get someone out of your mind- maybe they're meant to be there.*
I don't wanna wake up from my fantasies.. all I need if your body on top of me.
*He can't be the perfect guy until he wants you as much as you want him.*
*I See You Everywhere I Go .. I See You In People I Don't Even Know*
*Thinkin' Of You Brings A Smile To My Face..Dreamin' Of You Makes My Heart Race..Talkin' To You Makes Me Want You Even More..But Bein' With You Is What I Live For*
°¤Love is one of those crazy things.. no matter how hard you try.. you just can't find the words.. to tell what you*re feelin' inside.¤°
°*Relationships May Not Last Forever.. But The Memories Do*°
¤*Never say you're sorry for what you meant to do*¤
~¤ 3 small words to ruin a guy's ego.. *is*it*in*? ¤~
*True Love Is When You Can't Describe What You Like About Him*
..*There are 3 things a guy can never hide*.. -That hes drunk- .. -That Hes Horny- .. -Or that hes in love-