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HIKE OUT! - The History of the P.F.D.

HIKE OUT - The History of the Philadelphia Fire Department

It is with great pride that Fireman's Hall (the National Fire House and Museum of Philadelphia) along with the Philadelphia Fire Department, announce the forthcoming book HIKE OUT - The History of the Philadelphia Fire Department.

Since the inception of the paid department over 125 years ago, there has never been such an in-depth history produced. The book contains hundreds of never-before-published photographs of apparatus, fires, and rescues. You will learn many interesting little-known facts. For instance, William Penn, founder of Philadelphia, established the City to be as fire safe as possible, this after he witnessed the Great Fire of London. He laid out wide streets and planned green spaces for parks that would serve as fire breaks.

Through the pages of this historic publication, you will re-live the early days of firefighting. Re-live events such as the December 21, 1910 fire at the Friedlander Leather Remnants Company at 1116-20 North Bodine Street. Without warning, the front wall collapsed, bringing down the roof with it and trapping many firefighters inside. As rescue operations were in progress, a second collapse occured. A total of thirteen firefighters and one police officer were killed and thirty-three firefighters and four police officers were injured, many seriously. Learn how many fires started, like the one on July 4, 1876, when two brothers mixing a batch of fireworks in a pharmacy created an explosion that destroyed the building and killed four people.

Also in this publication are such interesting items as the original roster of paid personnel from 1871 and the yearly totals of extra alarm fires in Philadelphia for the past 125 years. Also included is a listing of those firefighters who have paid the ultimate sacrifice, being lost in the line-of-duty. You will follow the history of the department from the time when firefighters actually lived in the firehouses and were on continuous duty twenty-one hours a day, with only three hours off for three meals, up to the current day-to-day routines. The book will be filled with photographs of apparatus from the very early horsedrawn pumpers to the current highly technical and specialized equipment.

All this wonderful history and these photographs are being presented in a beautiful coffee-table-size book. This 9" x 12" hard-cover book is bound to exacting library standards and is printed on archival stock. Hike Out - The History of the Philadelphia Fire Department is available in two editions. The Deluxe Edition costs $39.95 and the Collector's Edition costs $75.00. The Collector's Edition will be encased in a handmade leather slipcase, be personalized with your name foil-stamped on the cover, and have a silk marker ribbon inserted into the binding. The Limited Collector's Edition will be available only on a pre-sale basis and is sure to become a treasured collectible. Make sure you order your copies now.

All profits from this project go to support the Museum and Fire Safety Education. Gift certificates for that perfect Christmas gift are available through the museum. So order your copies now!


Deluxe Edition - Hike Out - The History of the Philadelphia Fire Department @ 39.95 per copy

Collector's Edition - Hike Out - The History of the Philadelphia Fire Department @ 75.00 per copy (If you purchase the Collector's Edition, make sure you specify the name to be embossed in the front cover - Twenty-one characters maximum!)

  • Add $6.50 per copy for shipping and handling
  • Pennsylvania residents add 6% state sales tax (add $2.40 per Deluxe Edition or $4.50 per Collector's Edition)
  • Make checks payable to: PHILADELPHIA F.D. HISTORICAL CORP.
  • Credit Card - VISA or MASTERCARD
  • Phone orders or information call (215) 923-1438 during the day
  • Mail orders to:

    Fireman's Hall Museum

    147 North 2nd Street

    Philadelphia, PA 19106


This is a great book!! Filled with alot of information and is great for ANY Firefighter, Paramedic, Firebuff, anybody involved with or having an interest in the Fire Service. I have used this book to help me with this site and it's GREAT! The authors did a fabulous job! Believe me, if you get it, you will not regret it!

--Charles, Webmaster, Unofficial Home of the Phila. Fire Dept.