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The Cabin

This was the hardest of all the houses i have built to finish,having one problem after another,it ended up with a walk way on the top where a peak was supposed to be! Thinking this home ,would never go anywhere,i had claimed it to be just something for my grandchildren to play in but the second my oldest grand daughter Kristina(10) saw it ,she fell in love with it and has claimed it for her own! Telling me that beauty ,does lie in the eyes of the beholder!

This one has 2 big open rooms with fireplace ,all the decorations and furnishings are built by me with very rustic features. Soon I will be back here to create a do it yourself project page,letting you know everything that is inside this home,and the many ideas i came up with to finish it!!

The Farm
The Tennyson
The VanBuren
The Sweetheart Cottage
The Newberg
The Worthington Mansion
Mini Landscaping(do it yourself)