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Crafty's Mini Subdivision


I never had a doll house that I can remember while growing up ,but today I am creating my own mini subdivision!! I am the proud owner of 7 so far !! This home someday will belong to my grand daughter Breana(5),she thinks grandma Pattyo did a great job!! Out of the mouths of babes!! ha

And I have won numerous auctions on ebay for different accessories to add to my homes!

This has become my new hobby, it is a Tennyson doll house and as you see it is finally coming together!!!!! I have a few finishing touches to do to it and than I will be decorating the interior and furnishing it! This is my first and will not be my last!!!

The tennyson,now is completely furnished,with curtains,rugs,hardwood floor,flowers at the front door,and my grand kids love to play inside of it!! I loved creating it and the looks in those eyes when they first saw it,well I knew it didn't matter if I had made mistakes,they thought it was beautiful!! A job well done,i think!

The camera i own doesn't do any of these homes justice,they are all much pretttier than the pictures show! Soon i will be back to do a project page for each of these homes ,thanks for stopping by and please come back again!

More Of My Minis

The FarmHouse
The Cabin
The Sweetheart Cottage
The VanBuren
The Newberg
The Worthington Mansion
Landscaping Do It Yourself Ideas For Mini's