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The Newberg

This is the Newberg,i built it for my grand daughter Megan(7),she loves the color of it,and plays in it every time she comes to visit! most of the furniture in this one was given to me last christmas,and went so well with this home,including the kitten that Megan keeps in the bathtub so no one else can take it!(Ha)

This one has 2 bedrooms ,a kitchen,living room,and a big open attic ,that i have created into extra play rooms for the little people!

Soon I will add the project list and if I ever do get a good camera will take pictures of these and place on here to,so others can create to their hearts content also! I enjoy making my grand kids faces light up.

More of My Mini Homes

The Tennyson
The Farmhouse
The Cabin
The Sweetheart Cottage
The Van Buren
The Worthington Mansion
Landscaping (do it yourself)