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Chase Gibson

Current School Board Member

(news clips at bottom of page)

Received April 7, 2001 from Chase Gibson.

Chase F. Gibson

110 Ashwood Road

Villanova, Pa 19085

(610) 525-8202

It has been my privilege to serve Radnor Township on the School Board for the last four years. In that time, a number of important accomplishments have been achieved: the high school renovation was completed, the teachers and other employment contracts were amicably extended, fiscally responsible budgets were enacted, and construction was begun on the new elementary school. I am running again because a number of issues remain.

I have frequently stated that, if at all possible, the middle school should remain at its current location. I have listened at the public forums and many less formal settings. It is clear that the community values having the school in the heart of Wayne. More importantly, it is valuable to middle school age children to be located in a community setting, where they can learn that they are part of a community larger than themselves.

I have had three sons pass through the middle school, a fourth attends currently and a fifth will enter in September. I am concerned that the merits of a building and in fact a school are sometimes unintentionally and paradoxically minimized in our well-intended efforts to better our system. By constantly reflecting on what needs adjusting in our schools, we sometimes inadvertently lose sight of what is good.

There are limited alternative sites available and there are shortcomings inherent with those few "available" sites. Recent history has taught us the importance of locating a school in a welcoming neighborhood. Financial feasibility also needs to be considered.

I believe it is possible to design a school on the current site. We have engaged architects with expertise in creative school design. I am encouraged that their design will confirm that it is in fact possible to build an educationally first-rate and aesthetically appealing middle school.

My background as a tax lawyer is of value as the School Board deals with the financial implications of construction and other cost pressures. The interest expense on the bonds to fund the recent construction projects are just now impacting the budget. Adding the debt that will be necessary to fund construction of a new middle school will put serious pressure on our abilities to borrow within the statutory limits on indebtedness. Further, it puts serious pressure to keep taxes at an acceptable level. These types of issues are a focus of my professional practice.

It is my hope that next term will resolve the brick and mortar issues of the district so the board and the administration can concentrate on the fundamental concerns of improving curriculum and student performance. Obviously, those are truly the important goals.



Professional Background:

Tax Attorney

Educational Background:

Elementary and secondary, public schools, Des Moines, Iowa

BA (History) Colgate University


JD University of Michigan Law School

LL.M.(in Taxation) New York University Law School


Resident of Radnor since 1981

Six children, grades 2-12, Radnor Schools

School Director, Radnor Township School Board, 1997- ,

Personnel and Finance Liaison,

Member, Radnor Township Park and Recreation Board.

Chair, Administration Committee, St. Thomas of Villanova Parish

First Vice-president, Philadelphia Chapter, Tax Executives Institute

Veteran, US Army


--- Chase Gibson
--- EarthLink: It's your Internet.

Philadelphia Inquirer May 10, 2001