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Radnor Middle School

March 27, 2001

The following was received from the Radnor Methodist Church. It was re-typed for easier viewing on the internet.

Contact: Sarah Pilling 610-525-7331



Dear Neighbor:

While the discussion about the future of the Radnor Middle School has been going on for some time, and many of us have attended various public meetings that have been held to discuss the issue, they invariably have taken place in Wayne.


However, we think it is important that the residents of Rosemont, Garrett Hill and Bryn Mawr be heard in what could be a 40 million-dollar decision.


For this reason, Radnor United Methodist Church in Garrett Hill (right across the street from the old Rosemont Elementary School) will sponsor a community meeting in its Fellowship Hall on April 25 at 7:30 p.m.

All School Board candidates, current School Board Members, Commissioners, PTA's/PTO's, the Bryn-Rose Association, other local community groups, and neighbors are invited to meet and greet the School Board candidates and participate in an informal discussion of School Board issues, the future of the Radnor Middle School in particular


Please review accompanying flyer for meeting format and agenda.


Contact: Sarah Pilling at 610-525-7331


Community Meeting



Radnor United Methodist Church



April 25, at 7:30 p.m.



Radnor United Methodist Church

930 Conestoga Road

Rosemont, Pa. 19010

(across from the old Rosemont Elementary School)



To inform residents of Garrett Hill, Rosemont, Bryn Mawr and other interested Radnor Residents of School Board issues, the middle School in particular.

Get out the vote



School Board Candidates

School Board Members






Meet the School Board candidates

Informal interaction between residents and School Board candidates



Welcome and introduction by Reverend Hosking

Greeting and brief 3 minute introductory statement by each School Board candidate.

Break into 7 groups (one group for each candidate) where residents can informally discuss issues with each school director candidate. Residents can move freely from one candidate's group to another per personal interests.

Thanks for attending from Reverend Hosking and reminder of May 15th primary.



Tables will be available for candidates and advocates to provide information for residents to take home: i.e. candidates' statements, news clippings, information available on web etc.