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June 11, 2001

The following was submitted by Bob Miccolis. It is his revision to PLAN A for the Downtown Wayne Site. The plans submitted are a starting point, conceptual by design. Details, such as windows, are issues which CAN be worked out during the design process.

The following are Bob's comments regarding the Downtown Wayne site.


Wayne Site

* Eliminate Site Plan B from consideration because Site Plan A is much

better with respect to circulation of vehicles and people,

distance/elevation from the storm water flow, flexibility in design,

aesthetics and other factors. The major benefit of Plan B that should be

incorporated into a modified Plan A (Plan A+) is to move the district

administrative offices away from this site, thus reducing the parking needs

and allowing for a less compact floor plan.

* Improve Site Plan A by:

a. Moving the district administration's offices and maintenance facility to

another location,

b. Reconfiguring the floor plan to get windows for most or all regular

classrooms, e.g. relocate the library, chorus and foreign language to the

ground or upper floor of administration wing, thus permitting the architects

to separate the classroom pods on the floor plan, perhaps putting one pod

where the library was and two pods instead of three along Windemere Ave.

incorporating outside walls with windows between the pods,

c. Reconfiguring the playing field and hard space areas to get more flexible

use of the outside area for both school and community use, and

d. Keeping the Sulpizio gym for both the overflow of school activities and

for community use. This separate building is very valuable to the community

and its community use could be greatly expanded. Indoor recreation space

has been in high demand for at least 10 years and I know the Township would

provide support to maintain and manage this building for community

recreation as well as school activities.

* Explore various alternatives for students during the construction phases

such as:

a. Retaining the modular classrooms at Wayne and Ithan,

b. Housing the 6th grade at the 2 elementary schools for part or all of the

3 years of construction,

c. Creating outdoor recess spaces during construction, such as the middle

school's tennis courts.