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Radnor School Board Candidates

The following information was received via e-mail




Kathy R. Fisher

717 Haviland Drive

Bryn Mawr, PA 19010



My family moved to the Wayne Elementary school district of Radnor township in 1986. Our older son, Sasha, started kindergarten there in 1987 and graduated from Radnor High School in 2000. In 1992, we moved to the Ithan Elementary school district when our younger son started kindergarten that year. Daniel is now an eighth grader at Radnor Middle School. During the past 13 ½ years, I have been a very active member of the PTAs. I have served as PTA President at Wayne Elementary School, PTSA President at Radnor High School, and I am currently the PTA President at Radnor Middle School. I have gotten to know teachers, parents, and school administrators very well over the years. I have followed the deliberations of the School Board closely and have developed an in-depth knowledge of the school district.

During most of the years we have lived here, I have worked as an actuary at CIGNA in Philadelphia. During my career, I performed many financial functions, including financial reporting of company earnings and results. I believe my career training and experience provide me with a good foundation to understand the various financial functions that are reviewed and approved by the School Board, such as the annual budgets, long-term strategic planning, and contract negotiations.

As a middle school parent, I know and appreciate the benefits of having the middle school in its current location. I strongly support the School Board’s decision to: 1) direct the architects to design a school on the current site that meets the educational specifications developed by the RMS Futures Committee, and 2) provide additional funds, if needed, to develop plans for other sites. I very much look forward to seeing those plans.

The community is well served to focus on the full spectrum of responsibilities assumed by School Board Directors. The middle school site is only one decision the board will make during the next four years. During the coming term of office, the teachers’ contract will come up for renewal, four annual budgets of $33 million or more will be developed and passed, the board will work to address tax issues related to fixed income residents, the multi-year curriculum review will continue, and new curriculum will be implemented in several subject areas. In addition, the School Board will need to comply with changing state mandates for special education and likely state mandates for early childhood education. These and many other important issues will require careful, reasoned consideration by the School Board. I believe the knowledge and experience I would bring to these deliberations makes me well qualified to serve on this board.

The primary responsibility of a School Board Director is to be an advocate for the children and to make sure they are getting a high quality education so they are prepared to contribute to society in their adulthood. At the same time, School Board Directors are accountable to all the taxpayers and must give great consideration to their ability and willingness to financially support the school district. My goal as a School Board Director will always be to provide the best possible education at the lowest possible cost to the taxpayers.


The outstanding education provided by the Radnor Township School District is a reflection of community values. As a School Board Director, I will listen carefully to the voices of the community and will work to continue that level of education in our township.

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