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Radnor School Board Candidates

John McMeekin

( John was kind enough to e-mail this letter )


Like many other members of our community, I believe that the siting of a new Middle School is an issue of great importance. The Wayne Middle School has been a center for educational and civic development since it was built in 1923. It is the very heart of the Wayne community. Keeping the school in its current location is crucial to preserving the community and to fostering a sense of civic pride in our children. I applaud and support the efforts to keep this issue in the forefront of discussion.

I will vote to keep the Middle School in Wayne if that is feasible from both a fiscal and an educational point of view. I will also vote to control the tax burden we are placing on our citizens. We have just been through the reassessment, in which the taxes for many of our residents were greatly increased. In addition, to the construction of a new Middle School, improvements to the High School and the new Elementary School are necessary and will represent an additional fiscal burden. There may also be unforeseeable expenditures and cost overruns on the proposed the construction and capital improvements which further stretch our financial resources. I will be a voice of moderation against big spending and increased taxes.


I will work with an open mind and without pre-conceived notions to fully explore all site options which are reasonable, provide educational flexibility, and which do not become a deterrent to the continued growth and vitality of Radnor Township. I look forward to reviewing the architectural study which was commissioned by the Board to provide additional information effecting the options.


Our school system is one of the finest in the country. I will vote on issues in a manner which helps Radnor continue its national reputation. For too long, only a segment of our community at large has been represented on the Board. I will promote diversity both to the Board and within the school system. I will encourage all individuals to participate in vigorous debate and to express their opinions on the issues. I pledge to create a forum where the feelings of the community, concerning the Middle School and other issues, are welcome and encouraged. If necessary, I support placing a non-binding referendum concerning the construction of the new Middle School on the election ballot, ensuring that all members of our community have the opportunity to be heard on this issue.

I commend the current Board’s experience and contributions. I believe strongly that my experience will further strengthen the depth of talent of the Board to respond to a myriad of issues and concerns. My background as an environmental lawyer with expertise in water issues will allow me to contribute to the discussions concerning controlling water on the Middle School site. My experience working with contractors, architects and builders will be of great benefit to the Board when evaluating the various site proposals. My unbiased analysis of the issues will help the Board remain focused on providing the best education possible at the most reasonable cost to the taxpayers. As a lawyer I will be able to provide critical insight into the ramifications of the use of condemnation powers, liabilities associated with the various site proposals and student safety concerns.


My wife and her family have been long time residents of Wayne. I grew up in Philadelphia and am acutely aware of the need for quality public education. Like many people in our community, my wife and I chose to live in Radnor, in part, because of the quality and reputation of the school system. I look forward to my young son, Aidan, attending the Radnor schools. For these reasons I am intensely interested in the quality of the education we are providing and am committed to providing the best possible educational opportunities within our fiscal means.

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