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Radnor School Board Candidates

Craig Wheeland

The following e-mail was posted at the request of School Board Candidate Craig Wheeland on May 2, 2001. His candidate opinion paper is below.

Thank you for sending me an update on the Radnor Middle School Group's


You are correct that I've not changed my position since I entered this

campaign. I strongly support building a new school in Wayne at the current

site. I discussed Ed Specs strictly in terms of the building...NOT acreage.

I discuss Ed Specs in terms of classroom design and other features of the

building to match cluster teaching methods featured in the Carnegie report

and used in Radnor. We can build a facility that meets those Ed Specs at

the current site. And you can rely on my familiarity with classrooms,

teaching methods, and curriculum design to exercise independent judgment

when presented with information by the school administration.

There are trade-offs that I'm willing to make in order to see that new

school built in Wayne. For example, we will not have the extra acreage for

sports fields and parking called for in the PA specs, by some members of the

school board, by some teachers, and by some parents, but those are not

mandatory and we do not need to follow them. As I see it, the other

advantages to that site outweigh the lack of acreage.

During my interview filmed on April 20 for Channel 21, which will be aired

on May 3 at 8:30 pm and again over the weekend, I stress these points

related to the middle school....Wayne is Radnor's downtown. The middle

school is one important and irreplaceable part of the foundation of Wayne as

our downtown. Our children have an integrated experience as they move from

school, to the library, to the businesses, and so on.

I understand why your group listens so carefully to candidates. This is an

important issue. I look forward to receiving the Radnor Middle School

group's support.

Craig Wheeland

Text of Craig Wheeland’s Statement at Press Conference: February 23, 2001

I appreciate everyone coming out today. I want to especially thank the individuals who came here today to offer their support. I look forward to working with all of you throughout the campaign. I am honored to have the endorsement of Radnor’s three elected Democratic officials: Rep. Greg Vitali, 7th Ward Commissioner Dave Cannan, and 3rd Ward Commissioner Bill Spingler. They are proof that a well-qualified candidate, who speaks directly to the issues, who listens and is responsive to the voters can win elections in Radnor. I also appreciate the kind comments offered by Kathryn Fuscaldo, retired Dean of Health Sciences at Hahneman University and by Lowell Gustafson, my friend and colleague.

State law encourages school director candidates to be non-partisan by allowing us to cross-file in primaries. The hope is that people elected to the school board will be able to work well together and focus on the education of our children. My purpose is to compete in both the Republican and Democratic primaries as the law suggests we do, and if elected I will vote to do what is best for all of our children.

I believe my qualifications distinguish me from the other candidates. I will bring to the job extensive experience as a university teacher and as an administrator of academic programs. My work experience will add a useful perspective to school board discussions.

We are here in front of the Radnor Middle School because deciding the location of the new middle school is the most important issue in this election. I know this issue has divided our community and the school board’s 5 to 4 vote to locate the new school in Wayne is indicative of that division. I commend the board for continuing to search for information that will help the community and the school directors move towards a broader base of support for the decision. I look forward to seeing the results of the study currently underway. And I look forward to hearing the views of the voters and education professionals as we continue to discuss this issue. On all issues that come before the board we have an obligation to listen to different points-of-view and we have an obligation to seek an agreement that has the support of the large majority of the people. That is not always possible, but our community is better off if we try.

The middle school decision is on every voter's mind and all candidates must speak directly to this issue. I support building the new school in Wayne. There are advantages and disadvantages with all sites that have been identified. My main concern is to build a school that meets the Ed Specs, and is as creatively designed and adaptable as the new Radnor Elementary School. I am delighted that my daughter and son will be attending that excellent school. If elected, I will work to insure that the new middle school is state of the art and in Wayne.

During the campaign I will offer ideas on other issues as well. I am interested especially in exploring ways to enhance early childhood education, such as foreign language instruction in the elementary school and making full-day kindergarten available as an option for parents. And I will vote to spend what we need to maintain excellent schools, but I will work to defeat ideas that cost too much and do not add real value to our children’s education. I look forward to discussing the issues with the voters in my own neighborhood, Garrett Hill, and in neighborhoods all across the township.

Craig M. Wheeland, Ph.D.

Work Address:

Department of Political Science

Villanova University

800 Lancaster Avenue

Villanova, PA. 19085

Home Address

54 Wentworth lane

Rosemont, PA 19010

Contact Information

Office 610-519-4518

Home 610-526-9483

Office Fax 610-519-7487




Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University (Political Science) May 1989

Master of Public Administration (MPA), The University of South Carolina August 1981

B.A., The University of South Carolina at Aiken (History) Summa Cum Laude December 1979


Christian-Albrecht University at Kiel, West Germany. February - August 1985


Public Administration, Urban Studies, Intergovernmental Relations


Chair, Department Political Science, Villanova University, starting Fall 2001.

Director, Master of Public Administration program, Villanova University, 1993-present.

Graduate Director, MA program in Political Science, Villanova University, 1997-2000.

Member of Core Curriculum Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, Villanova University, 1996-2001


TEACHING: Villanova University, September 1990 to Present

Associate Professor (1996-Present); Assistant Professor (1990-1996).

Winthrop College, August 1987 to August 1990

Assistant Professor (1989-90); Instructor (1987-89).

The Pennsylvania State University, Fall 1984 to Summer 1987

Part-time Instructor (1984-87).

RESEARCH: Thirteen academic publications; Presented papers at state, regional, and national

conferences; Received three research grants.

OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES: Review manuscripts for academic journals; Serve as President of the Pennsylvania Political Science Association and 1st VP of the Northeastern Political Science Association; Invited to speak/lecture by City of Rock Hill, Association of PA Municipal Managers, PA General Assembly, and the Southeastern PA Municipal Managers Association.

PERSONAL: 43 years old; Married to Anne Minicozzi; Two children (Lucy and Ryan); 11 year resident of Radnor




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