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If you are reading this message, the election is OVER!

And now we VOTE!

Do you want the Radnor Middle School to stay in Downtown Wayne?

Then YOU need to VOTE!

The following is a framework or guide for those voters who want to keep the Radnor Middle School in Downtown Wayne:

For some time now a group of concerned citizens has been working to convince the Radnor Township School Board candidates to go on the record regarding their opinion on the Radnor Middle School (RMS). The Citizen’s effort has been very successful in forcing the current School Board and Candidates to hear what the overwhelming majority of Radnor Township residents want – RMS to stay in Wayne! Five of the candidates appear to strongly support keeping RMS at the current downtown site and one appears to need more information before making a decision.

Having established this, the decision facing voters in the upcoming election is to look beyond the RMS issue (after selecting from the group of five) and rate the candidates, perhaps using the criteria listed below as a guide.

Consider the following points as criteria for your selection on Election Day, Tuesday, May 15:


What we would like to suggest is that the voters consider this list of criteria as they make their OWN decision on which candidates they would like to see elected to the Radnor School Board. The election of members to the School Board should, and must, go beyond political boundaries – the future of our schools and, more importantly, our children should rest on the character on the Board members rather than their political affiliation. Please feel free to print this letter and give it to friends and neighbors if you think it may help them in making their decision on Election Day.


Tim Dilworth   Carter Fisher

Click on Candidates Name for collected information

Chase Gibson  Dorothy Orlichowski  Craig Wheeland  John McMeekin  Judy Sherry  Kathy Fisher

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It is filled with information.