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News Clippings

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Suburban & Wayne Times April 19, 2001

Article by Helen Cooper quoting School Board Candidate John McMeekin

Click HERE to see article

Main Line Life March 29, 2001

Letter for Dorothy Orlichowski, School Board Director:

Click HERE to see letter.

Click HERE to see Letter's to the Editor Suburban & Wayne Times March 22, 2001

1. Letter from Radnor League of Women Voters to the Suburban & Wayne Times

2. Mike Glynn (present school board member) Supports Dorothy Orlichowski

Click HERE to see article from THE SUBURBAN & WAYNE TIMES :  March 22, 2001

Candidate Judy Sherry 

Click HERE to see article form Main Line Life

March 7,  2001

Click HERE to see article from THE SUBURBAN & WAYNE TIMES :  March 8, 2001

Web Site Story

Click HERE to see article form Main Line Life February 28 to March 6, 2001

Musical Chairs: Candidates

Click HERE to see two articles from the Philadelphia Inquirer Opinion Section. Good Stuff!

Main Line Life: Jim McCaffrey



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