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Citizen's Committee

TV Cable


John Haines Sr.     Chip Layfield


The Citizen Cable Guys Interviewed Adrian Fine from The National Trust for Historic Preservation, right in front of the Radnor Middle School on May 2, 2001. Two School Board Candidates attended: Dorothy Orlichowski (current school board member) and Judy Sherry.

The interview was broadcast and re-broadcast and re-broadcast.....

When do these guys sleep?

Thanks to Chip Layfield and Cameraman John Haines for all of their hard work filming and editing the interviews and public meetings.


from left to right: Dorothy Orlichowski, Judy Sherry, Adrian Fine, Chip Layfield, John Haines

Background: Radnor Middle School

Chip Layfield interviewing Adrian Fine from the National Trust for Historic Preservation

Background: Radnor Middle School

This E-Mail was received May 1, 2001

Citizen's Committee

TV Cable

Radnor Middle School Citizens Committee Cable Update



TUESDAY @ 8:00 PM, 12:00 A.M., 8:00 A.M. on Ch.21


GARRETT HILL? Well, give it a rest, because you have a second chance to see

ALL the action at the Radnor United Methodist Church Community Meeting—SHOT


• SEE the RSB candidates opening comments

• LISTEN to their candid table talk with the voters

• ENJOY insightful interviews with World Wide Web slinger and community

activist Tim Dilworth and 7th Ward Commissioner Dave Cannan (Be sure to

check Ch. 21’s informational scroll for weekend replay times).

VCR Alert 2!

Judy Sherry's interview will be broadcast on ‘Round ‘Bout Radnor this

Thursday, May 5, @8:00, P.M. on Ch. 21 (check Ch. 21’s informational scroll

for weekend replay times).

VCR Alert 3!

Craig M. Wheeland interview. Thursday, May 5, 8:00, P.M. on Ch. 21 (This 15

minute Q&A is the first ever produced by Radnor Studio 21 for a candidate. If

you're a candidate for office, time is short. Don't be left out. Call George

at 610-687-5189 or E-mail

‘Round 'Bout Radnor will be interviewing Adrian Scott of Fine National Trust

for Historic Preservation at Radnor Middle School on May 2nd from 10-11:00

am. Feel free to stop by - you might just end up on TV!

Chip Layfield

John Haines, Sr.





This E-Mail was received April 24, 2001

Citizen's Committee

TV Cable

Radnor Middle School Citizens Committee Cable Update


VCR Alert!

Judy Sherry's interview will be broadcast on ‘Round ‘Bout Radnor this

Thursday, April 26th, 8:00 P.M. on Ch. 21 (check Ch. 21’s informational

scroll for weekend replay times).

Judy is informed on the issues and deals with them directly in this interview

(RMS site, safety, communications and taxes are just some of the topics

covered). She speaks from the heart about the value of keeping the Radnor

Middle School in Wayne. It’s a view informed by serving as president of

Radnor Middle School’s PTA as well as having all 5 of her children attend

Radnor schools. Not only does she favor the current downtown Wayne location

for the Middle School, but also places a high value on preservation of

existing buildings. While I am not a lawyer, I do have a pretty good ear for

spin and I didn't hear any of the "wiggle and waffle" that has been so

apparent in some of the candidates written statements regarding the future of

the Radnor Middle School site. But, judge for yourselves—Thursday @ 8:00 p.m.

on Ch. 21.

NOTE: Judy Sherry is the first and only school board candidate to take us up

on the offer we made at the League of Women Voters meeting a few weeks ago,

and later restated on this website: We will produce a 30-minute interview for

broadcast on Ch. 21 with any candidate running for Radnor School Board. This

allows candidates to get their message out (and on the record) to over 7,500

households in Radnor at no cost to their campaign. Interested candidates

should call Chip at 610-995-0320 or email

Other Cable News: Informed sources say that at least 1, and possibly 2 Radnor

School Board candidates have either completed or are in post production of a

Q&A format video shot at Radnor Studio 21. If you're a candidate for office,

time is short. Don't be left out. Call George at 610-687-5189 or email

‘Round 'Bout Radnor will be interviewing Adrian Scott of Fine National Trust

for Historic Preservation at Radnor Middle School on May 2nd from 10-11:00

am. Feel free to stop by - you might just end up on TV!

Chip Layfield

John Haines, Sr.



This is an open letter to the candidates running for political office in

Radnor township:

'Round'about Radnor is a biweekly 30-minute public access show which airs on

Radnor's cable Ch. 21 on Thursday evenings at 8:00 p.m. with periodic

rebroadcasts that evening and over the following weekend.

Since 'Round'about Radnor covers the events and people of Radnor Township, we

made a commitment at the recent League of Women Voters meeting to cover

public political events, press conferences, fund raisers or interview

candidates running for political office in the township.

Political candidates or political events are treated just as any other event

or person we cover—we maintain complete editorial control of the project,

select our own camera shots, edit and decide if and when a show will air.

However, some of the candidates for public office we have covered are John

McCain, Dick Cheney, Dick Tilghman, Curt Welldon, Greg Vitali, Connie

Williams, Robert Thompson, Carole Rubley, Lynn Yeakel, Ron Klink and many more.

We have also covered many Radnor Township Commissioners and Radnor School

Directors. All such coverage has been done fairly and without complaint from

the candidates or their supporters.

If you are a candidate for office consider this: Ch. 21 reaches over 7500

households in Radnor Township. That's a huge universe of potential voters

that you could reach at no cost to your campaign.

Still, I think the real benefit is to the voters, who would have a chance to

see and hear you and your position on the issues in depth and in a way that a

pricey piece of glossy campaign lit simply can't convey.


Chip Layfield

Lchip@aol, com

John Haines, Sr.

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