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Radnor Middle School 

June 12, 2000 



I have heard from various people that the School Board is having Gilbert Architects present "their" opinion on the Middle School site at tomorrow nights meeting.

 One has to wonder if the opinion will reflect the popular thought to keep the school in Wayne.

 I know for a fact that several School Board did not know of this possible presentation.

 It appears that the issue of the Middle School will continue, even though the Board voted FIVE to THREE ( last meeting ) to proceed with design on the existing site. Perhaps it is time to register OUR opinions, again, and put this issue to bed and have the School Board spend their time on the education of OUR children.

 Friends, don't fall asleep during summer. Just remember what almost happened last August!

 If you can, go to the meeting tomorrow night, or call the board and let them know your opinion.


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