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UPDATE: Please take time to read and help by doing something on the list.


Hello Everyone,


Meeting Dates. 

This meeting took place, Notes Sent.

Nov. 17 RADNOR MIDDLE SCHOOL PTA to discuss the Middle School. NEXT WEEK......

This meeting will be like the one at Wayne Elementary. A couple of Board Members, question and answer. It is important that parents come to this meeting. Perhaps we should split the directory up and call as many as possible.



Nov. 23 School Board. I heard that finances will be discussed.

We need to read the school board agenda on the internet and determine if finances are part of the meeting. If finances are on the agenda then it will be important to have the following: A. Financial People who can quiz the board about- Debt. Such as : High School + New Elementary + Existing Debt+ the proposed Middle School Cost= what impact to the borrowing capacity and taxes.

B. Older Retired/Fixed Income Citizens: To express their concern about taxes and the impact on them. Especially considering the Delaware County Reassessment. DEMOGRAPHICS MIGHT BE BROUGHT UP!


Nov. 30 TOWN MEETING at Radnor Middle School. VERY IMPORTANT.

This could be the most Important meeting.


Finally: I was told that the citizens are in the right direction and to keep up the dialog.



The following is only a suggestion, a guide, an outline!


1. Write to every Commissioner and New Commissioner

    A. To keep RMS in Wayne.

    B. Committ to solve storm water issue.

    C. Commit to cooperate regarding Zoning, set backs, and Planning.

    D. Try to attend the Nov 30 Town Meeting. This would be a good time to

         show "your support".

    E. Ask them to write letters of support to the school board.

    F. The letter you write can be a form letter to each member.

    G. Send a copy via e-mail or snail mail to Carter. The mailman.


2. Write to every School Board Member.

    A. To Keep School In Wayne.

    B. To urge open communications and cooperation with Commissioners.

    C. State your support of the School Board to Build in Wayne including

         budget support.

    D. Have you supported the Board in the past regarding difficult

         decisions? Let them know.

    E. Express consideration that they are conducting a TOWN MEETING.

    F. Send a copy via e-mail or snail mail to Carter.


3. Letters to local Publications.

    A. Send a copy of the Commissioner and School Board Letters to the

         local Publications: Main Line Life, Suburban, Inquirer, Etc.

    B.  This could have a huge impact.


3. Town Meeting.

    A. ATTEND!

    B. Get your neighbors to attend.

    C. Print the Town Meeting Notice and Pass it out to neighbors. This

         notice will be sent soon.

         This notice has been typed and will be sent TONIGHT via email.

    D. It is very important to get the Ithan Community involved. We

        constantly hear the board say that only people in Wayne are

        interested. This is a Township wide issue.


Contact List To Attend Town Meeting

The following represents a partial listing of the people, groups, organizations that we should contact and try to have them attend the Town Meeting. Look over the list, add to the list, and then check off who you will contact. I suggest calling and then mailing the Town Meeting notice. Also, get their e-mail address so we put them on the mailer. 

The List:

League of Women Voters

Represenitive Bob Flick

Channel Sixteen: The High School News Station

Wayne Business Association and their membership


Wayne Churches

Local Realtors

North Wayne Protective Assoc.

Radnor Republican Committee

Radnor Democrat Committee




PTA : Wayne , Ithan, RMS, RHS

Sports Clubs: Little League, Soccer, Field Hockey, Lacrosse, etc.



If Each Citizen Did The Following:

1. Write Commissioners

2. Write School Board

3. Attend Town Meeting

4. Brought 2 neighbors or friends to Town Meeting.

5. Sent their letters to the local publications

6. Copied the Town Meeting Notice and gave to neighbors.

7. Tried to contact people on the above list


There would no longer be a vocal minority.


If you have any thoughts or other ideas pleas let me know! This is a grass roots effort, everybody can make a difference.



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