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November 23, 1999



Radnor Middle School

Radnor, Pennsylvania

The Radnor Township School Board is clearly split on the future location of the Radnor Middle School. Of the nine-member board 5 have expressed a desire to keep the school in Wayne and four have expressed their desire to move the school to another location, possibly Ardrossen Farm, a private estate.

Residents of Radnor have voiced their opinion that the location of the Middle School in Wayne is beneficial to students, parents, residents and businesses and that the sense of community outweighs any and all of the reasons to relocate.

Due to public pressure the School Board has decided to hold a TOWN MEETING at the Radnor Middle School Activities Center on November 30, 1999 at 6:30 p.m. The TOWN MEETING is to provide an open forum for residents to discuss the Middle School issue in an non-orchestrated forum.

The Township of Radnor has something special that other communities across America are trying to emulate. This decision could set a precedent for future planning of communities.

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