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December 1, 1999

 Congratulations Citizens of Radnor Township!


The TOWN MEETING was held last night at the Radnor Middle School Activities Center. Attendance was great. Every seat was filled. The format had four large tables with 2 board members and one or two administrators at each table. The Meeting was covered by several news organizations: Inquirer, Main Line Life, TV 10, TV 6, maybe others.


I can only speak about our table, but I think the conversation was polite, direct, educational, sometimes emotional, and two way. Mike and Ann were first, Chuck and Ellen were second. Lisa Adams, a Commissioner sat with us. At the end of round one Mike Glynn took a citizen vote ( our table ), how do I say this , just about everyone voted to stay on the present even considering the constraints the site presents.


Demographics was a HOT topic at our table. For the record, the board is hiring or has hired a demographic study outfit. I was told it will be available in February 2000. The issue is complex if you want it to be, or need it to be. This will be one of the LAST crutches to leave the present site.


The TOWN MEETING concluded with four School Board Members giving their impression of what they heard from the citizens. Art, Ellen, Mike and Allan spoke.

To me it seems that Chuck Madden has made his case that the School Board has now heard the citizens, and stated such, and that the silent majority had their chance to speak up, and we did. As far as I am concerned the issue of the School

Board vs. The Vocal Minority is closed. It also appeared that the Storm Water Management issue may be on its way out. The attending commissioners got the message that the citizens want and expect cooperation and resolution of the issue.


To Close: If you attended last night, PLEASE e-mail your comments and observations to Carter and he will distribute. It would be great to hear what was said at the other tables.



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