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EA's Halloween Story

There's a chill in the air 
You hear a creak on the stairs
You got a knock on your door 

I'd heard that creak on the stairs before,
and hearing it again sent shivers up my spine.
I was only vaguely aware of the knock at the door,
the creaking overwhelming my senses. 
Knowing that if I turned and looked I would see

That same white image as before.
What was this image? 
Was it a ghost that lived here before?
Someone trying to tell me something,
or even hurt me?
This time was different. 
Once I turned to look
the image slowly  went  up the stairs,
I think wanting me to follow. 
I slowly started to the stairs

Hark what is that sound??? 
It says heh heh heh,
just wait my little ones,
I got my fire going and the cauldron on. 

Who is that evil one I hear???
Oh no I tumbled down the stairs
just as she was about to grab me
Yikes I see it is

Sally, the witch,
and she is trying to get me.
I have to get up and run,
run as fast as I can to get away from her.  
I don't want to be turned into the next pot
of Halloween soup. 

Where are my friends,
Charly and Erin, did she get them already. 
Thoughts are racing through my mind,
just as I hear her
coming down the stairs to get me. 
I get up and run,
I have to find somewhere to hide. 
I can't think,
my feet feel like they have cement shoes on them. 

I keep going down twisting
and turning hallways until finally I see a door. 
I have to get inside before she gets me. 
I turn the knob and sneak inside
only to find it is a broom closet.
I tell myself that this will have to do.
I push myself all the way to the back
and I think I hear her go by the door. 
Just as I sigh with relief 
I feel someone's breath on my cheek.

Oh no who could this be.
Afraid to look, 
I turn to see the face that is next to me
and oh my it's Scarey!!!

I close my eyes in disbelief, 
could it really be that bad I think to myself.
I slowly open one eye to peak.
I look, I run, I scream! 
I slow myself down 
to listen if they are following.

I hear the footsteps in the distance,
getting closer. 
The cackle getting louder.
I have no where to run,
I am at the end of the hall,
What shall I do?
Where will I hide?

There getting closer and closer,
I am left breathless when I turn around

my foot trips her to my suprise,
startled I frantically run back up the hall,
it's so cold,

my breath creates a fog,
trying to see through the mist and darkness,
feeling my way reaching out to the wall, 

I hear the footsteps approaching nearer,
I stumble on what appears to be
a latch on the floor,

Oh Thank God, it's a secret door! 
I quickly climb down the stairs
and close the door above me.

I reach the ground,
realizing that I am 
now in a basement.
There are candles everywhere
and the stench of something brewing.

Oh no!

I see a creepy looking caretaker
making his way to me,
I try to run the other way but

I realize I am trapped.
No where to run, no where to hide. 
Wait...maybe under the stairs.
I dashed under the stairs
trying to be as quiet as I can be
stuffed in this small cramped space.

I hear small sounds.
Small noises..above where I am laying.

Its a rat..the size of my hand. 

I cant yell or the caretaker will hear me. 
I cant scream or Sally will find me.

The rat is so close to my head.
What should I do???

I do the only thing I can do,
grit my teeth and hope it will 
not mistake my fingers for lunch. 
I tell myself not to make a sound
as it gets closer to take a sniff of my hand. 
it decides not to make a snack of my fingers
and moves on.  

I watch closely as the caretaker goes back
to what he is brewing.
whatever is in that pot smells horrible.
I tell myself to be patient
until his attention is back to his task
and I can sneak back up the stairs.

Just then I hear the creak of a door
and footsteps coming down the stairs.
Oh no, I know I will be caught for sure. 
It's Sally and she is hopping mad
that she didn't catch me.

She tells the caretaker
they have to do whatever they can
to get ahold of me and my friends.

At least it's a relief to know
that they didn't get them yet.
I wonder where they could be. 

I have to get out of here
before they find me.

I wait until their attention is drawn
to another part of the basement
and I sneak my way back up the stairs.

Finally I reach the top
and all I can think of 
is that I have to find my friends.

As I creep back through the cold house,
I hear the sound of footsteps in the distance.
Could this be my friends
or that crazy witch coming to get me.
I turn and start to run and suddenly 
I am face to face with

Yes you guessed it
Sally The Old Witch
She is yelling
Come Here my Lil Cutie
you cannot run and you cannot hide.

Oh My Oh My What can I do
will anyone be able 
to help .

Ohhhhhhhhhh  noooooooooooo

As all this was happening
I remembered earlier 
I heard knocking on my door.
Could whoever it was still be there?
And if I can reach the door
and they are there,
will they be willing to help me fight off Sally?

I am running as fast as I can.
My feet just don't seem to be working
I finally see the front door.
I can still hear Sally behind me.
As I swing the big creaky door open
I see that it is
Charly , Peggie & Lois

They were out of Breath
and were all talking at the same time.
Trying to warn me
warn me this can't be good
Calm down Gals...whats wrong I asked?

Your making a Big Mistake
it's not Good WitchyPoo Sally ,
they said!!!

But her Evil Twin 
Yes Erin
You can tell them Apart if you look Closely
Erin the Evil Bad Witch
has a Frog on her Hat

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh  Nooooooooooooo

What has Erin done to WitchyPooSally ?
We got to Save WitchyPooSally

Come on Gals

So off we go back into the creepy house
to hunt down Erin. 
I just couldn't believe it

Erin the evil twin.
that would explain a lot of things.
We split up into groups of two
Peggie and Charly,
Lois and me in search of the evil twin
with the frog on her hat.  

As we start down the long dark hallway
we can hear cackling in the distance.

It sends chills up our spines.  
Then footsteps getting closer to us
Come on Lois, we have to run I yell. 
We run as fast as our feet will carry us,
but the footsteps behind us
get louder and louder. 

I see a door and we go inside.
Lois is hysterical by this point,
calm down I tell her, 
whoever it was behind us
is going to catch us for sure.
There is a stench in this room 
that is overpowering. 
I feel for a light switch and find it. 
When we turn on the lights
we can not believe our eyes
cages everywhere with hundreds of frogs
ugh gross I yell
what is this evil twin up to?

I turn to Lois,
who is beginning to calm down,
stay right here I tell her,

I am going to go have a look around
and see what else this weirdo witch
has been up to.
Lois reluctantly takes a seat
and off I go to check it out. 

I find spellbooks, recipes,
potions, and lotions. 
Racks and boxes
full of the strangest things
I have ever seen.

Man this witch has really lost it
what could she possibly be up to
with all these things.

Suddenly I see a space 
where the wall looks uneven.
I touch it and it opens
wow, it's a secret passageway
just as I turn to go get Lois,
I hear her scream...

Oh no, I should never have left her alone.
I run back to the place where I left her
and she is gone 
and in her place I find

Erin the evil twin
and now she is after Peggie.

Oh no I am not going to let her get Peg.
I rush to her and pull her by her hair
because that is the only place I can grab her.

Help me Peggie, get you away from Erin.
I am afraid she turned witchy poo Sally
into an evil witch too.

I pull and pull and kick Erin 
right where it hurts.
She lets go of Peggie
and off we go down that foggy hallway
right into the room at the end.

Inside is Sally and I was right
Erin turned her into an evil witch
like she is.
She has frogs
with no  eyeballs hanging out her mouth 
cackling come here my pets,
then as we turn to run again there is
Bigger than Life 
is the King and Queen of the Witches,
Matt and Terri.....looking very upset
and no wonderrrrrrrrr

There is another Witch
looks just like WitchyPooSally and Evil Erin.

Oh Nooooooooo

I think I hear them calling her Reni,
yes that's what they said
Their Triplet Witch Sister
who would have ever guessed

oh my  oh my

what is that I hear Reni calling them
Mommy Daddy

ohhhhhhhhhhh  noooooooo

The entire family

But wait....Matt and Terri 
seem very upset at Reni

And it seems all those smelly frogs
are EA Angels 
that Reni turned into frogs.

Reni starting crying
Mommy and Daddy ,
I was just having some Halloween fun
I wasn't going to hurt the Angels

And WitchyPooSally tried to stop me
waaaaaaaaaaa says Reni....
so Erin & I had to
make them into bad witches.

But thats not right Reni
we are a Good Witch Family
Says Witchy Mommy Terri
you will just have to......

"NO!" Shouted Erin.
There are no good witches.
Why do you think they are called witches? 
Good witches? NEVER!

Don't let any of them deceive you,
it's all a cover
for the queen of all witches
Witchwoman Sally
but she's got them all under her spell.

Just then a Black Cloud
filled up the sky ,
and out of it dropped thousand of Frogs.

To which everyone gasped,
Erin Ohhhhh Myyyyyyy

It's really true, 
you're the Bad Little Evil Witch.
And you talked sweet little Reni
into helping you.

Bad Bad Little Witch Erin ,
Everyone shouted.
What sweet people did you 
turn those frogs into????

Erin couldn't stand it any longer
seeing all the frogs
she knew now she had to confess ,
or forever live alone.

Waaaaaaaaaaa  Mommy & Daddy ,
I am soooooo  bad ,
can you all please forgive me
" Called WitchWoman Sally "
Was the first to grab
her little baby sister and hug her.
It's ok baby Erin ,
we all need to grow up ,
and the teen years are the hardest.
Boy do I know says Sally ,
you do asks Erin ???
Now wipping away her tears & snotty nose.

Will you tell me about your teen years ?
Oh says Sally , that's another Story Cutie.

But First you need to kiss all those frogs ,
and make everything right again 
Otay ? says Erin.

The Moral of the Story is 
If you don't want to live your life
with a snotty nose , 
Never kiss a frog.....tee hehehehe!!!!!!!!

Happy Halloween Everyone :-)

EarthAngels Writers :-) Sally ,Erin ,Julie ,Charly , Peggie , Amy , Tammy ,Deb Karen Great Job My Lil Cuties....hehehehehe