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EA's Halloween Trip to Scotland

EarthAngels Halloween Eve in a Scotland Castle
MomSal took her Angels on a trip to Scotland
to spend Halloween Eve 
in an Old abandoned Castle.
There were rumors  of it being haunted.
MomSal was a wee bit scared ,
but was only doing it because Terri
just wouldn't let up ,
so when MomSal finally accepted the offer.
Terri was elated.
Terri wanted so much to visit friends
Robert and Caroline in Scotland...
and now it finally was going to happen.
Robert and Caroline met the Angels
as they arrived in Scotland
to drive them to the Castle ,
and they even offered to 
spend the night with the Angels.
Toots, was not happy with this arrangement 
as she had plans of her own
and wanted no outsiders around.
But toots grab hold of Chucky
and put on a smile
and into the Castle she went.

BooBoo , was already up the staircase and down the long hallway looking for her bedroom. When all of a sudden Charly screamed at the top of her lungs. Toots was thinkin about smackin her but decided to see what the commotion was about. Everyone looked up and gasped as the metal of armor was moving. Mommasal was very brave and went up to it and told it to knock it off. We couldn't believe that it did but it just stood there. Everyone was very glad and continued on through the castle. We saw Auntie Jo checkin it out just to make sure it wasn't gonna come alive again.

Moonbrat was not paying the angels much attention because she was with her friend Caroline. The angels didn't like that very much, especially TooTs and Chuckie... You could see toots thinking of a way to get her attention back. Kendra and Charly were at the end of the line walking through the halls of the cement castle. Lois had found a great big ax on the wall and was checking it out when just then.... They heard a voice that said "Leave my ax alone" Lois let out a big scream,and turned to see where the voice was coming from. She noticed a light coming from a small crack in the wall. She decided to get everyone before she checked this one out. But, soon realized that everyone had already left her behind, and there was no one in sight. Lois decided that she would teach everyone a lesson and find something cool without them, but when she touched the wall, it creaked, and slightly opened. Even though she was scared, she thought...... Secret Passage way?? How Cool!!!

Lois walked slowly into the passage and it closed with a loud creak. She could see that it was a long hallway that seem to go on forever. When she started walking she looked back and it seemed like the entrance was following her because every time she looked back the entrance was in the same place, but she was going to be brave, She wanted the angels to be surprized by finding something special. Suddenly, the floor dropped out from under Lois. She felt like she was falling forever. Now she was really scared. She landed on a cold damp floor. It took her several minutes to get herself together enough to stand up. She began to cry as she realized there was no way out of this. She screamed, yelled and smashed her hands onto the walls hoping someone would hear her. But to no avail. She curled up into a ball on the floor and sobbed. Just then a lil mouse creeped up beside her, and spoke. Well this really scared Lois. The mouse told her No do not scream! It is me Kendra. They have changed me into a mouse!

There is only one way for you angels to get out alive, and that is to have them change you too! I have made a path for us all to escape. Once we escape, we will have to find a snake to kiss, but we must be careful, because snakes eat mice as snacks, if we succeed that will reverse the spell. Just then a ghost appeared thru the wall and so Lois stuck out her tongue at the ugly ghost!

Then she realized it had turned her into a mouse also! Kendra and Lois were so happy now that they could escape. Then Lois said to Kendra, "We have to go look for the other Angels." Kendra agreed and off the two cute little mice went.

However, they did not see the shadow
"The Hammer"
behind them!

We knew sooner or later Kendra
was going to get hers for the way
she treated mice in the past.

Chuckie had the hammer and was ready
to let Lois and Kendra have it in the head
and all of a sudden along came Toots
egging Chuckie on,get them get them. 
Charly came on the scene and smacked Toots
and she tried to get out of there
to go cry to MomSal.
All of a sudden poof there was Toots 
changed into a mouse.

Chuckie was still running after the others with the hammer, Charly was after him and poof she turned into a mouse too.

She was crying then scared chuckie was going to get them with the hammer. Their hearts were beating so hard, that Auntie Jo and Momsal could hear them upstairs. They went to look for them and all of a sudden They heard a loud meeeeeeeeeeeowwwww. A cat!! All eyes turned in the direction of the sound and saw a huge black cat. The mice began to creep slowly along the floor hoping to get to their escape route without the cat seeing them but no, they realized they weren't going to make it. The cat's tail began to swish back and forth, back and forth. It's nose began to sniff. It's tongue came out and began to lick it's whiskers and slowly the cat began to move toward the mice. The cat crept along the floor and the mice ran faster and faster. The faster the mice ran, the faster the cat walked. Suddenly, the cat got in a position to pounce upon the mice and...

Just as the Cat was really to attack Lois, Kendra, Charley and Toots the mice, a beautiful witch appeared and turned the mean cat into a statue with one wave of her magic wand. "Who are you," asked Lois. "Why I'm Stacey... and I'm a witch." "Are You a bad witch," Kendra asked. "No, silly, I'm a good witch not to mention stunning, glamorous, hot...oh you get the idea." "Please! Help us turn back into ourselves." "I'm sorry, Toots, I cannot reverse another's spell, you'll have to find the wizard

who lives in this castle and he can change you all back with one snap of his toes." "Where can we find this wizard," Charley asked. "He's around here somewhere, now if you all will excuse me, I'm going to be late for my massage with Hans the Swedish masseuse." And just like that...poof... Stacey the beautiful witch was gone.

Toot looked up and coming down the stairs was Caroline, Robert and Terri. "Move everyone. Hurry! They dont know who we are and they may step on us!" So the angel mice moved as fast as they could to get out of the way. Terri said, " Geesh, they all know that I want you to meet and get to know each other. Where do you suppose that they went?" Looking around Robert said, "All I see is wee mice, but no angels." As Caroline turned to talk to Terri she let out a very loud scream... as Terri turned into a mouse

before Caroline and Roberts eyes.. "no no no... you will not get away with this you old bat, " Caroline screamed. And picking Terri mouse up and gently placing her in her (Carolines) pocket she yelled... "Do not fear angels,,, I will get help!" And off she and Robert went... The angel mice decided that the safest place that they could be would be with Momsal and auntie Jo so Chuckie picked them up and none too gently dumped them into his backpack. "I wasn't really gonna hurt ya ya know." he said. "This Hammer is only made out of soft plastic." Caroline, Robert and Terri ran back into the castle yelling for the angel mice. "Come quickly," Caroline yelled... "me mum has figured it out and me dear boyfriend Robert put together the spell. He is immune to spells you know. I thought the spell was from me mum as a joke but it wasn't her." Who is the Wizard then?

We need to catch him so we can finish breaking the spell. Suddenly a giggle was heard and a voice said, " what a bunch of wimps! Have you learned your lessons, now?" We all looked at each other and then Momsal laughed.... "You brat... I should have known! Get your brat butt out here and show yourself" And pop there stood lil matt...

"next time I want to go with you mom maybe you will listen! See you need me! lol." Momsal looked at her watch and her hair curled. "Hurry hurry children. It is almost time to catch the plane. Hug Caroline and Robert when we get to the airport.." Goodbye was long and tearful .. even lil matt and Robert brushed away a tear or two... and caroline just couldn't stand it... sooooooo after seeing them all safely on board, she and Robert snuck on too with the invisibility spell that caroline had learned. And as the plane took off all of our heroes fell asleep. Hours later the plane landed and mom and auntie rounded up the brood not realizing that there were two extras. Not even when lil Matt said, " Moonie you got to lose some weight... you are squishing me!" Looking over Moon was surprised to see plenty of room. She put his remark down to his just being overtired. So she didn't say anything, but she did think that it was odd at the time. Then they got home and went into the house. It was early morning still so mom insisted that they all take a nap. Auntie went into the guestroom and all brats (plus company) went to lie down in their rooms. Terri called to mom to ask her if they had WD 40 coz her door was hard to close. Mom came and checked the door and said, "Sweetie seems ok now. Hop in bed and rest. We will worry about it later." Closing her door Terri started to walk to her bed when she swore that she felt someone tap her on the shoulder. She stopped and shook her head then took another step. Then she heard....... "psssssst hey sis, dont freak." To which Terri responded "Eeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!" and brought the whole house running just as Caroline and Robert turned visible. Mom stopped in her tracks a look of shock on her face. "Boy, Terri my girl, do you have some splaining to do, before I get out that wet noodle, Lucy!" Caroline ran to mom and took her hand... "Momsal please Terri didn't know what I had planned and neither did I until I saw you all leave. Then I just couldn't help it. Even Robert couldn't stop me mom, so he haddddd to come along too." Well mom thought and thought and then she said, "well first things first. We have to call your parents nowwwwwwwwwww. They must be very worried. Soooooo move it you two. And Terri you and the others get to bed." With heavy heart Terri went to bed. When Terri woke she heard giggling and that made her angry. Don't they know that my heart is hurting? she asked herself. And the more giggling she heard the more angry she got, so she got up and went out to tell them off before her friends had to go back. "You people are heartless," she screamed. "My best friends are leaving and you are all whooping it up like its party time. How nice is that?" "Awwwwwwwwww sissy" Toot said as she hugged Terri hard. "until I got to know caroline I wanted to pull her hair out. Yes I did. I have to tell you that sometimes I am not as nice as you think I am. But I do like her now. And I cant bear to see my favorite sissy so upset." And lil matt gave terri a quick hug and said" sissy you are wrong. it is party time!" Caroline and Robert came over to join the hug. "oh terri my tears are happy ones. I PROMISE. This terrific mom of yours talked robert and my mums into letting us stay here for awhile... until something called thanksgiving!" The rest came together for a big group hug and as they hugged Terri leaned over and whispered to mom, " I am so sorry to yell mom. You know that I love you. I should have known better." "That is okay my girl, I too should have known better that you would never keep something as serious as caroline and robert coming with us from me. Lets hug and blame it all on jet lag!" and giggling they went back to the very big group hug. Moral of this Story YES you got it.... We all have a Little Devil in our Families..hehehehe PS: Kendra is a conformed mouse lover now!!!

EarthAngels Story Writers Sally , Toots(Deb) , Julie ,Nora ,Kathie ,Amy , Grace(BooBoo),Charlene(Charly) ,Sandy ,Stacey , Caroline(Caz),Terri(Moonie)