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EA's Haunted House Story

EA's Haunted House Story

EA's Story
The Haunted House

Moon , was in charge of the children's 
entertainment on Halloween Eve.
The children were begging Moon to let them
visit the Haunted House up on Witches Hill.
As this was the only time the town's 
children were allowed near The Haunted House.
Butttt they were very strict about who could 
enter the Haunted House,

YESSSSS only boys were allowed.

But the girls begged Moon,saying we 
could all dress up as little boys.
As long as we have Toots with us we 
won't be afraid said Charly.

Oh please Moon , Please lets us go
begged Toots and Kendra  .
YES please Moonie ,Charly ,Amy  ,Tammy ,
Nora ,Erin , Julie ,Celine & even
Little Wendy all yelled at the same time.

Please Please , you can keep Matt 
at home with you said the girls.
He's to little any way toots said to the girls,
as she hated having her little brother tag 
along with her.

OK Moon  ,told the girls you can all go 
and Matt will stay with me.
Buttttt , if you have nightmares from the visit ,
don't think your all sleeping in my room.

So off to The Haunted House they went.
As they were approaching it ,
Erin , said no way am I going in there.

Just then the door creaked open ,
UT OHH cried Erin
And they heard a voice saying,

Welcome Boys , come right in
Please come in , your welcome here

Erin was still persistent that she wasn't going
in and we wasn't about to leave her outside.  
So Celine and Julie grab Erin's arms
and dragged her in kicking the whole way.

Once we got in we turned Erin loose 
and she ran for the door.
But, before she got there the door slammed shut.
And a voice announced 

"Once you Enter you don't Leave"! 

All the girls were terrified.
They just knew that they was definitely going to
have nightmares and Moon was going to be mad!

They knew they had to find their way out.

They noticed one candle burning at the end
of a long dark hallway.
They knew if they could get to the light
they just might make it out of this 
creepy place
and the girls would not ever ask Moon
to go there again.

Celine and Charly came up with this bright idea
for everyone to hold hands real tight
and charge towards the light.
They made it 3/4's of the way there 

when suddenly out of nowhere came this
big black cat with creepy yellow eyes
that glowed in the darkness.
Then, right before their eyes
the cat screeched and turned into 
a horrible haggled old lady.

She wore a shimmering black robe 
and a dagger at her waist.
She stood there wailing like a witch
with a sore pimple on her butt.
She screeched and wailed so loudly
that we had to cover our ears.

Erin wondered what Celine and Julie
were thinking about being in there now.
Erin was screaming,


but it was too late to worry about that.
Before they could collect their thoughts 
and think of how to get away,

the old hag reached for her dagger and... 
Which turned out not to be a dagger
but a lighter for the other candles
that lined the walls  in the hallway.
After the witch had lite the candles,
She began to tell a story of how when 
she was a child 200 years ago,
the witches of past would come to her home
and cast spells on the town luring 
them here to her home.

It seems that even after 200 years that 
this curse is still as real as it was then.
The most lured folks of course were Children!

She then cackled as she remembered how
they would be turned into miniture horses
that roamed free in the fields near by.

The adults were not so lucky 
and they would turn up after being cursed 
would be turned into....

Just then, Aunti Jo and MommaSal and Lois
come threw the door and are listening 
to this old witch.

Well toots had enough of this cranky old witch
so she grabbed Celine by the hand and 
barrelled over the witch 
and yelled RUNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!

SO Mommasal, quickly rushed all the kids
down a hall and threw a very small door.
It was so small that mommasals' butt
barely fit threw
but luckily toots was last 
and she turned around backwards
and squished her butt through.

Once they got through
they were in some sort of tunnel
and there was a bridge that was shaking.

All the kids were fighting over 
who was gonna go over it first.
Julie was very brave and said
she would go first 
if Lois would hold her hand.
Well since Lois is a sucker, she said yes.

The kids all followed closely,
and toots being the bravest one 
said she would follow up the end
and Erin had a grip on her hand so tight
that it was beet red.

Toots wore gloves because she wasnt gonna
hold a hand that holds FROGS!

Anyways, Just as we all got on the bridge,
it started shaking violently
and Wendy looked over the side of the bridge 
to see what was under it
and something grabbed ahold of her.

Nora tried to hang on tight
but whatever was under there was too strong..
it took her right off the bridge and 
under to God knows where.

Charly was cryin so loud 
that Julie and Amy werent looking
as the hand came up
and grabbed them under the bridge too.

Just then....

We were all under the bridge and saw 
the prettiest site.
It was like a very peaceful valley
and the hand that had grabbed us all 
was that of an angel.

But then all of a sudden it got very dark 
and the walls started turning to fire 
and the ugliest troll came out of the wall,
saying who are you to dare cross my bridge.
and girls at that I hate little girls.

There is only one way that you are going
to get out of here ,
and that is to hand over the frog hater,

Erin thought how great this would be ,
her and Toots never did see eye to eye.
Just as she was about to say the name 
the angel's hand covered her mouth 
and she whispered 

DO Notttt tell him
for it will be all over for Toots.

Then what are we gonna do,Erin asked ?
As all the girls were standing 
there waiting for the Angel to answer,
a flash of light lite up the sky
and Charly screamed 
LOOK LOOk  here is the answer.

Since girls are not allowed here
then all the frogs must be boys.
If we kiss the frogs they will return to boys
and they can get us out of here.
As each girl picked up a frog and kissed it,

the troll screamed louder 
Get out  Get out 
I do not wish to have the frog hater 

Just leave NOWWWW!!

and as the girls kept kissing the frogs
Toots got afraid that the troll would figure out
it was her who hated the dreaded frogs,
She picked up the biggest frog of all
and kissed it and kissed it
until she got a handsome prince 

(Now when ever we are looking for Toots we know to look down by that bridge kissing the frogs looking for another prince.) When all of the girls had very quickly kissed all of the frogs, there was now a very handsome prince for each and every girl. The girls and the guys soon decided to continue on under the bridge and try to find a way home. As they walked, the girls began to notice that the trees along the path began to get thicker and thicker. Soon the girls found themselves lost in the middle of the forest. They would have been scared long before they were,but they were in the company of the handsome princes. But it turn out the princes weren't really princes Butttttttttttttt evil witches that were banished from the haunted house by the good witches. Oh Oh cried Erin what are we going to do, why did they have to turn them into froggies. Oh be quite Erin...we will be ok , said toots!!!! and just then they all heard a little voice calling , Tootie where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...I LUB YOU Just at the sound of the sound of the WORDS I LUB YOU.... The princes turned back into frogs.. anddddddddddddddd out of the darkness they saw Moon running after Baby Matt....trying to get him to turn around and go back home. NO NO I got to find my TOOTIE I lub her. This brought tears to Toots eyes...andddd thats something no one ever thought they would see. Here I am Mattttttttttttt yelled toots MOON and Baby MATT turned saw the girls. Matt ran over to Toots and held on tight, Oh Tootie me soooooooo happy you ok :-) But Toots asked what ever made him run to the woods looking for her. Well said Little Matt... I was giving one of Erins frogs a little hug it tried to ribbit but croacked...hehehehe he hated those frogs toooooooooooooooooo. But me felt bad tootie... so I ran into the woods to find a tree frog... and heard all the noise. MOON was right behind me....and I just knew my Tootie was in trouble and I had to get to you. Oh Matt your such a Brave Little Boy. Me knows says Baby Matt. Tootie was hugging Matt so tight...he yelled Tootie I had the tree frog in my shirt pocket for Erin. Now it croacked toooooooooooooooooo they both started to laugh.... ANDDDDDDDDDDDDD yes ERIN was crying over her froggies. HEHEHEHE After they all got back home and Moon asked them , What did you learn girls???? Well yelled Kendra...never ever kiss a frog you never know what you might But the real lesson here Little Angels isssssssss ALWAYS LOVE EACH OTHER , YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN YOU WILL NEED HELP :-) See Tootie you always were a meany to Baby Matt, and his LOVE for you...saved your life. Just then Baby Matt ran up to tootie..grab her by the pants , yanked on them and gave her a wedgie and ran away soooooooooooo fast. yelling hahaaa me owed you that tootie. You little bratttttttttttttttt I'm going to get you. Everyone started to now things were back to normal. hehehehehe Ea's Writers Sally ,Julie ,Tammy , Kendra ,Erin , Amy ,Deb ,Nora ,Wendy ,Celine ,Nancy Great Job My Lil Cuties....hehehehehe My Pages are for EVALUATION Purposes only. Please support these Artists by buying their CD'S. My Music Page Index

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