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Over the river and through the woods
to Grandmothers house we go.

Jo and Spirit our twins were sooooo  excited ,
they were 6 years old , and never went to 
Kentucky for one of Grandmothers famous
Thanksgiving Dinners .

Mom and Dad  Erin and I  and our big brother John , 
and of course our Old Maid Auntie Charly.

We were all soooo  excited we were going to meet
Mom's Kentucky Family.

Oh Boy Cousins
to play with shouted Spirit and Jo.

Everyone was chatting excitely ,
as we were going through the woods ,
Jo and Spirit both screamed 

Old Maid Auntie Charly was gasping for breath
and holding her chest.  She looked as though 
she was in a lot of pain.

The children were so afraid for her,
but Mom and Dad knew ,
Old Maid Auntie Charly was always 
faking these attacks.
She always had to be the 
center of attention.
Was she going to ruin this 
special Thanksgiving celebration?
Only time would tell.  

I was hoping that going to Kentucky 
to Grandmother's house
for the first time would be a lot of fun.

But big brother John
had told me some really disturbing
stories about Grandmother
and some of the cousins. 
All of the things he said 
pointed to one thing;
That family's elevator 
didn't go the whole way to the top.

Big brother John and sis Sally
were always the mean ones in the bunch.
They were so mean to old maid Aunt Charly
that they caused a lot of grief 
and pain to her.

They would put toads and frogs
in her bed at night
and she would jump out of the bed screaming.

That Thanksgiving we were in a sleigh
and she was hoping this would be a nice day,
thinking it may be her last Thanksgiving.
Those 2 brats put a snake 
under her blanket she had around her legs.

The big Joke was Aunt Charly
wasn't as dumb as Sally and John
thought she was. 

She knew every time 
they ever done anything mean,
and that is why she would fake attacks,
to scare them so they would quit doing it.

It never worked until this time.
When Charly screamed it scared the horse
pulling the sleigh,
the horse bucked, and we all
ended up in a ditch.

It was really cold,
and it was starting to get dark.
Sally and John was in the back shivering,
scared to death while Auntie Charly
sat back and giggled in her head.

Auntie Charly could no longer hold
in her laughter,
she never laughed so hard and so loud.
Which made both John and Sally very mad!
While walking back to Grandmas house,
the two of them came up with a new scheme.

something that they hoped would scare
those attacks out of her for good.

When Sally and John reached Grandmas house ,
they decided to wait until Auntie Charly
fell fast asleep.

In the meantime, 
these two snuck into Grandmas basement
to see what kind of devices 
they could find.
The basement was faintly lit,
full of cobwebs, and filled with a musty odor.

To their surprise, they found a suitcase 
with Certificates awarded to Auntie Charly
for her outstanding
acheivement as Children's Toughest
Successful Military School  Disciplinarian.

John and Sally were astonished,
yet in disbelief, they continued searching
when all of a sudden they heard Grandma
calling for them.
They did not want to get caught
snooping around 
so they ran up the stairs as quickly
as they could to get out of the basement,
but in doing so Sally and John 
tripped over each other and tumbled 
down the stairs.

Grandma heard the loud ruckus
and headed into the basement
where she heard the noise coming from.
Needless to say she found Sally and John,
turns out they both had broken a leg
and arm.

These two had to stay in bed
and depend on someone to care for them.

Oh my! Who will look after them??
Well dearest 
Auntie Charly of course. 

And Mom and Dad and of course, Grandma.

Auntie Charly decided that it was her turn
to get even with Sally and John.

So after they came home from the hospital,
she started by bringing them
their food either too cold or too hot to eat,
short sheeting their beds,
and taking her own sweet time answering
their bells,that Grandma gave them
to ring when they needed anything.

Of course,
they complained to Grandma and Mom and Dad,
but no one really believed them.

Auntie Charly said
that being laid up with broken legs and arms
were just making them cranky 
and they were just imagining things.

But a funny thing happened,
after a couple of days of this,
Auntie Charly began to change. 

She started feeling sorry for the two
after all they were just Children ,
and looking back at her earlier days
she was the same as these Children.

OH the things she used to do to Cousin Karen ,
well it's time to get these kiddies well
so they can Enjoy the Famous
Thanksgiving Dinner next  week.

All the family loves coming home
and staying for two weeks each November.
They come from all over the World Now.

Karen , the cousin Auntie Charly 
was so mean with as a Child ,
will be coming in from England.

Charly , can't wait to see her.
Karen wrote to say she couldn't get there
until the Week of Thanksgiving.

Oh Charly has decided to tell Karen
how sorry she 
was that she was a meany to her years ago.

Well back down to the kitchen
to see what everyone else is up to ,
and as she was going down the stairs.
she heard the doorbell ring ,
and Grandma saying to the male voice 
at the door,

Yes , Charly is Home for the Holidays
Charly thought to herself,
I wonder who that could be.

The voice sounded familiar
but Charly couldn't place it.
She peaked down the steps and saw a Captain
who she fancied at the military school.

Why was he here?
What could he want?? 
He had taught her so much,
taught her to be strong, and tough.
But she thought to herself,
he surely couldn't of known
she was in love with him,
or could he?

Charly , 
Called Grandmother ,
someone here to see you.

As Charly entered the room 
Matt ( The Caption )
Was waiting in the Living Room
Charly couldn't believe 
how handsome he still was.

Hi Charly , Hi Matt , been along time.
Yes it has ,to long ,Says Matt.
I have been trying 
to get in touch with you for several years ,
but kept missing you ,and your Mom said
you didn't want your address given out.

Oh Charly , I have been such a fool.
I know now just how much 
you mean to me.

Charly , pinched herself ,
she just couldn't believe her ears.
She just sat there
Matt Continued
Charly , would you please 
go out to dinner with me tonight?
I think we have alot to talk about.

The twins yelled yipeeeeeeeee 
Charly got a boyfriend .
And both Charly and Matt Laughed.

Well the next morning 
as Charly was going down stairs ,
Spirit & Jo yelled 
Auntie Charly did the Caption Kiss you

Well Charly said
I think you might be getting a New Uncle :-)

Grandmother ran over to Charly
and gave her daughter a big hug.
Charly is it true what I just heard?
Yes Mom ,and we aren't going to wait.
We will be getting married
the day before Thanksgiving.

I want to wait until Cousin Karen 
gets here from England.
I already phoned her and told her the good news.
I also told her I was soooooo 
sorry for all the bad things I did
to her as a child.
Oh Charly , I am so glad for you.

Well Charly got married ,
and Thanksgiving day
Grandmother set another plate
at the table for Matt.
We all ate until we thought we would burst.

Then it was time to head back
to Pennsylvania.
but without Charly.
The twins were sadden ,but happy for Auntie Charly.

Mom asked Sally and John 
if they learned anything from their visit
to Grandmother's.

Yes yelled Sally...
Never turn your back 
on a love sick old maid Auntie.

Everybody laughed so hard.
And we were all glad to be heading home
to Pennsylvania.

Moral of the Story
Oh well I think you get the Picture.

EA Story Writers
Sally , Erin , Charly , Tammy , Spirit 
Karen , Julie , Deb , Amy

Happy Thanksgiving Angels :-)